Wednesday, April 8, 2015

French Road Trip - Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Today we flew from Dublin to Paris via City Jet.  Upon arrival at the Charles De Gaulle Airport, we swiftly found the rental car agency and thus began our French Road Trip.  Traveling along the highway to Rouen, we stopped at a rest stop for a quick lunch.  Everyone was very proud of The Toddler, aka Rob, who ordered his hamburger lunch.
We checked into Hotel de Cathedrale in Rouen which was truly next door to the Cathedrale Rouen.  Rob, surprise, surprise, opted for a nap while the rest of us roamed the town.

On the street next to our hotel was this fabulous shop where the artists were hand painting all types of pottery!  Absolutely amazing!  
Next, we strolled into the Cathedral where Teri and I found the perfect rosary (green, of course) for our friend, Teve.  Later, we strolled past a music shop, so I asked Teri and Alan if I could quickly dash in to purchase a guitar pick for Connor.  Well, if only it had been that easy!  First of all, I was the ONLY female in the shop.  To make matters worse, NO ONE spoke English, and I can't speak French.  So, playing a great game of charades, I convey that I want to purchase a guitar pick.  The shop owner pulls out a box of "Made in the USA" picks.  I make a face and explain that I want French picks.  Eventually, the shop owner makes the connection, I make my purchase, and join the Stewarts.
We wander over to the Joan of Arc momument.
We enjoy a quick coffee break and continue to explore the quaint town of Rouen.
Unfortunately, Alan's favorite restaurant has closed, so we venture off to"les petits parapluies" a place recommended by our hotel, which we translated to mean, "Little umbrellas" for an amazing dinner!

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