Monday, April 18, 2016

California Road Trip - Day Eight

Monday, April 18, 2016

      Today was a very easy travel day as we left Oakhurst to reach our destination of Three Rivers. The drive was only took a little over two hours, but the journey was filled with farm after farm.  We now have a new appreciation of why Californians cherish the Earth.  We rode past olive groves, avocado groves, strawberry fields, broccoli fields, lemon and orange groves, apple orchards, and endless vineyards.  Rob noticed that we drove by the Sun-Maid Raisin firm, located in the middle of yet more vineyards.  We hadn't thought about the grapes being made into raisins until his discovery. We're back in the land of the palm trees wearing hula skirts.  We discovered these crazy trees as we drove from San Simeon to Monterey, but then they disappeared when we went up towards Sacramento.  Now, they're back.  I must get a picture of them.

     We enjoyed a lovely outdoors lunch, next to one of the three rivers in Three Rivers, at a place called River's View.  The weather was perfect, and the food was delicious.  We've made a few observations about the food and restaurants in California.  First of all, everything seems very fresh.  Next, the portions are HUGE!  Finally, most restaurants promote the local wines, then other California wines. After our late lunch, we decided to stop at the only grocery store in town to buy a few snacks so we could skip supper.

    So, back at the hotel, I worked out in the fitness center. Now it's computer time, catch up on some reading, then go to bed early since tomorrow we have another full day tour, this time in Sequoia National Park and Kings' Canyon.

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