Sunday, October 12, 2014

Love these Aussies

Love these Aussies!
October 10, 2014
We can really get accustomed  to these breakfasts on the balcony, cappuccino/reading at our favorite lounge, and then a relaxing workout in a fitness center overlooking the ocean!
During lunch, we chatted with two lovely ladies from Melbourne, and discovered that 80% of this cruise are Australian passengers!
Gary Arbuthnot, was the featured entertainer for the afternoon matinee.  He is an Irish instrumentalists, who played a wide variety of tunes. 
Rob then took his retirement nap, and Lana went to the top deck for her daily sunshine fix.  The weather is always perfect - a slight breeze and comfortable sunshine, which makes for relaxing reading and people watching!

Our Neil Diamond sound alike, Rob Ondras, was performing in the Ensemble Lounge, so we enjoyed singing along with Dick and Christine, while enjoying before dinner drinks.  Our retired Marine buddies joined us for another amazing dinner at the Blu Restaurant.  While dining, the Aussie gal we had chatted with last evening, sought us out to share a couple of Sydney dinner recommendations:  Doyles on Watson Island and the Center Point.  Then, while traveling in the elevator, another Aussie couple recommended Fish on the Rocks and Cafe Sydney.  LOVE THESE SWEET, FRIENDLY, ALWAYS HAPPY AUSSIES!

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