Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Home Sweet Sweet

November 3, 2014

Thank you, dear Robin, for picking us up at the airport!  It was so wonderful to see family after being away for nearly a month. We left a green Atlanta and returned to one full of all of the beautiful fall colors.  Stay tuned for our next adventure.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Our last full day of Lana's "Bucket List" - once in a lifetime trip - November 1, 2014

Back in the USA, where we all supposedly speak the same language, should have not presented a problem today; however, we certainly experienced lack of communication!  We made arrangements with the taxi driver who took us from the Honolulu airport to the Hale Koa Hotel to take us to a couple of destinations during our stay.  So, this morning, when he called to say that he'd arrived to take us to our friends' home, we went downstairs only to discover that our taxi driver was no where to be found. We called him, and he said that he was down on the main street, so we walked to the main street, but again, we couldn't find our taxi driver.  We called him, and he said that he was in the lobby area, thus we trekked back up the stairs, but again, we couldn't find him.  To make a long story short, he was waiting for us at the yacht club.  Really?   He thought we were spending the night at the yacht club?  Go figure.  Luckily, he was able to pick us up in ten minutes, the traffic was light, and we weren't too late arriving at the Rathyen's.  We hadn't seen Cris and Wayne in 29 years since we all lived in the Sagamihara Courtyard while stationed in Japan. We took a quick tour of their beautiful home, and then drove over the the Kanehoe Marine Corps Air Station beach where we sipped champagne and reminisced.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at Buzz, a local "can't not" restaurant before returning to our hotel.  It was a perfect ending to our once-in-a-lifetime bucket list trip!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy 39th Anniversary - Honolulu, Hawaii - October 31, 2014

Off we go to celebrate our 39th anniversary with "Little Brown"  Don and Ruth Ann.  We traveled to Kanehoe Yacht Club to meet our friends. 

  We boarded their 38 foot sail boat and began our voyage around the bay. 

We sailed past the Marine Base where Richard (and Rachelle) were once stationed, then on past "Chinaman's Hat" and "Turtle Island" while turtles swam along side of the boat.  After sailing for a few hours, we anchored on a sandbar and enjoyed lunch.

We enjoyed a glorious afternoon, even had the opportunity to drive the boat, before docking back at the Yacht Club for drinks. 
  Rob and Don took down and folded the flags.  We drove back to the Brown's house for a quick clean up before heading off to Roy's for a fabulous dinner.  The restaurant brought us a special "Happy Anniversary" dessert, but best of all was the peanut butter/chocolate gelato.

As we drove back into the Waikiki area, we were stunned by the folks celebrating Halloween.  Truly, it was like watching the night of the living dead, as adult folks dressed in a variety of costumes roamed the street.

It was an anniversary we'll always remember!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sadly, we're "Waltzing Matilda" out of Australia - October 30, 2014

We have NEVER been this sad to say farewell to any place that we've previously visited!  After breakfast, Lana took one last opportunity to cruise the streets of Sydney, contributing to the local economy!  Once again, the weather was perfect!

   Since it's Spring here, the trees are blooming with vibrant purple, red, and pink flowers.

 Finally, it was time to head  to the airport. Sniff, sniff.....good bye, Australia!

 During the security check, Lana's suitcase was re-scanned, and she had to donate a pair of scissors and tube of toothpaste - drats!  They should have been stored in the checked luggage....oh well.  At least you don't have to take your shoes off while traveling through security. The duty free shopping section of Sydney's International Terminal is massive!  It rivals any mall anywhere! 
Our overnight flight on Hawaiian Airlines was quite uneventful.  We left Sydney at 9:20 PM on Oct 30th, and arrived in Honolulu at 9:50 AM on Oct 30th.  Crossing that International Date Line makes keeping track of time zones very tricky!  So essentially, we get to have Thursday, October 30th TWICE this year.

Luckily, the Hale Koa had a room available, so we settled in, did a little laundry, and then spent some time relaxing at the pool. It's hard to believe that almost four weeks ago, we were in Honolulu to begin this journey, and now it is ending.  Truly, the time did zoom by.  Tonight, we're planning a quiet evening to transition into our jet lag adjustment!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Blue Mountains, Australia - October 29, 2014

Blue Mountains, Australia - October 29, 2014
Stephen, our driver, picked us up at 0710 hrs to begin our tour of the Blue Mountains. As we were traveling, he gave us quite the education.  For instance, the Sydney Bridge is the widest bridge in the world with eight lanes of traffic, two rail lines and a walking path.  He also explained a quick estimate to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit - multiply by two and add 28.  He gave us a quick snapshot of the discovery of Australia - Chinese - Dutch and then finally CPT Cook in 1717 when he mapped the land.  He actually sailed into Botany Bay, mentioned the inlet (later to become Sydney) and named the Endeavor River after his boat.  He saw a kangaroo, and was attempting to get the local Aboriginals to give him the name by pantomiming the animal.  The Aboriginals couldn't understand what he was doing, so they said "kangaroo" which translates to "no idea what you're talking about" and Cook thought that was the name.  The British sent prisoners to Australia after the USA gained its freedom.  CPT Philips sailed into Sydney on January 26, 1788 (Invasion Day) and chained the shipload of prisoners to "The Rocks"!
We first stopped at the Featherdale Wildlife Park where we enjoyed an hour of seeing and feeding all sorts of Australian animals such as kangaroo, wombats, Tasmanian devils, penguins, cassawary, emu, crocs, snakes, and a variety of birds.

We then ventured to Lincoln's Rock on the edge of the Blue Mountains.  These mountains have a blue haze due to the eucalyptus (over 93 species - many labeled by Mr. Banks, the botanist who traveled with CPT Cook) oil that mixes with the water vapor.   It is approximately the size of N. Ireland and is part of the World Heritage Park. We crossed over the Nepean River as we entered this mountain range, a part of Australia's Great Divide, which stretches over 4,000 km.  It was in this area that David Noble discovered a tree that is over one million years old and contains both male and female parts on each tree.

We stopped by the Three Sisters before having lunch at Blackheath Golf Club.  I seriously considered  skipping lunch to play some golf....sigh....
Next, we traveled to the Botanical Gardens where we were given champagne to sip while enjoying a stroll.  Again, gorgeous scenery and everything looked like a postcard!

Little did we know, that as we were traveling back into Sydney, all of the police sirens we heard were due to a bomb scare.  Ignorance is bliss!

Once again, we relied on Ritty's recommendation for dinner.  This time, we enjoyed another awesome meal at Casa, an Italian restaurant on the King Street Wharf.  We had THE MOST darling server, Debra, in Australia!  She kept us laughing, as we dined outdoors in Darling Harbor.  Tired, but smiling, we strolled back to our hotel.

Exploring Sydney - October 28, 2014

It is another glorious, sunny day in Australia, and a perfect day to explore the vibrant city of Sydney.  We walked down (a few blocks from our hotel) to the Circular Quay to pick up our Captain Cook Harbor Cruise.  We rode past the famous Sydney Harbor Bridge where folks were climbing across the top (for a mere $280.00).  From our ship, they looked like ants.  It takes three hours, not to mention the cost, so we were quite happy to pass on that adventure!

Next we rode past Sydney Opera House, which is SO spectacular !  It is one of the world's most recognizable buildings, and we're looking forward to touring it later today. 

We then rode by Fort Dennison, a former prison, the Sydney Zoo, and on to Watson's Bay.  Our cruise narrator suggested that instead of going to the famous Doyle's restaurant (we truly weren't ready to eat again), that we go to the Dunbar House for cappuccino and scones.  Since Rob had never tried a scone, we took her up on her suggestion.  OMG - great recommendation and the view was amazing.

We rode past Russell Crowe's 14 million dollar home, Darling Harbor (where Nemo had his great escape) and back to Circular Quay. 
Next, we walked over to the Opera House to sign up for a tour.  Luckily, one was available in 10 minutes.  Little did we know, how very lucky we truly we were!  Only two other couples had signed up for the English tour, so it felt as if we were on a private tour.  Our guide was so enthusiastic, and you could tell how every much he enjoyed his job.  He was positively giddy when he told us that we were going to be able to listen to the Sydney Symphony rehearse for tomorrow's performance!  I must confess, it was a magical, once in a lifetime experience.

By now, Rob was needing his retirement nap, so we hailed a taxi to take me to "The Rocks" for shopping and Rob back to The Grace for a nap.  I walked and shopped and walked and shopped, but my favorite purchase was an Aussie hat!

Our favorite concierge, Ritty, recommended that we go down to the wharf for a seafood dinner at Nick's, which had also been recommended to us by our fellow Aussie cruise passengers, as well as Mr. Rosen, our Russian/Jewish/Australian driver.  Another WOW meal.  Rob had snapper and I had calamari, both were fantastic!  We dined out on the wharf enjoying a balmy Sydney evening.  And another lovely Australian day ends.

Cairns to Sydney - October 27, 2014

Cairns to Sydney - October 27, 2014

Gosh, we're really going to miss gorgeous Cairns.  We enjoyed a final, delicious breakfast( Rob will especially miss the dim sum) and checked out of the beautiful Pullman International Hotel.  Sniff, sniff - farewell room 611.

Our flight back to Sydney was uneventful, thankfully, and Mr. Rosen, our Russian/Jewish/Australian driver took us to The Grace Hotel.  Along the way, he gave us many pointers for shopping, dining, etc.  Room 927 became our new home for the remainder of our Australian visit.  This hotel was once the headquarters for Gen Patton during WW II, so Rob's very happy to spend some time where a fellow soldier resided.  It's centrally located in the city - a short walk to the main attractions. After settling in, Ritty, our wonderful concierge, suggested The Red Oak for dinner.  The Red Oak is a beer boutique, that is also a pub.  It was a short walk around the block, and the meal was FABULOUS!!!  Finally, we sampled the "pies" that we've been hearing about.  On our flight, one of the snack options to purchase was a pie.  I thought that was a really strange item to sell on a plane, until I realized that it was a meat pie.  Rob and I both ordered a pie for dinner at The Red Oak.  It was like America's version of a pot pie, only instead of chicken it was lamb, with musy (smashed) peas on top.  Delicious!!!!!

Back in the hotel, we settled in, and decided to turn in early for tomorrow's exploration of Sydney!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Kuranda, Australia - October 26, 2014

Kuranda, Australia - October 26, 2014

Today, we were able to sleep in a bit, as our tour pick-up wasn't until 10:05 AM.  We were off to visit Kuranda.  We boarded the Skyrail at the Tjapukai Aboriginal Cutural Center Park, traveling over the Barron Gorge National Park, Robb's Monument, and Barron Falls.  The narrator on the trip over explained that the building of this Skyrail, as well as the train tracks, took tremendous effort since it was located in a World Heritage protected rain forest.  Every plant/tree had to be removed, labeled, and replaced as close to where it was removed once the project was completed.  In all of this process, only four trees were lost.  Quite impressive.  We arrived at Kuranda Village and went straight to the Koala Park to complete another item on Lana's Bucket List - holding a koala.  Meet Fred, the most adorable koala EVER.....and I'm still devising a way to sneak him back through US Customs!

Next, we strolled through the Heritage Markets where we purchased boomerangs to take home.  While strolling along the street we watched Aboriginal boys attempting to teach Japanese school boys (in Kuranda on a field trip) to dance.

 Rob then spoiled me AGAIN by purchasing gorgeous opal earrings and a necklace, since opals are mined here in Australia.  Afterwards, we enjoyed a fabulous lunch before boarding the Kuranda Scenic Railway back to Cairns.  We shared a compartment with two very sweet young gals from Holland.  We traveled over Stoney Creek Falls and Jungarra Loop. 
After our clean up, and a short nap, we ventured back to the Esplanade to enjoy dinner and an ice cream.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Great Barrier Reef - October 25, 2014

The Great Barrier Reef - checking off Lana's #1 Bucket List Item

It's another spectacular day in Cairns, and we're off at 0730 for The Great Barrier Reef.  Our driver takes us to the wharf (actually we should have walked the 1-1/2 blocks) and we board the Ocean Freedom boat for the one and a half hour ride to The Great Barrier Reef.  As we boarded the boat, Perry, the owner, chatted with us to see what we'd be interested in doing.  Once he learned that this was a "bucket list trip" he couldn't do enough to help.  Throughout the day, he kept checking in with us to see to make sure that all was going well, however, ALL of the crew aboard this boat were cheerful, helpful folks.  This is a "full-service"  tour so some folks will be scuba diving (many of them for the first time), some snorkeling (us) and others riding the glass bottom boat.  I decide to rent an underwater camera, and at the end of the day, I'll have a memory stick of "Nikon moments" so I put my own Nikon camera away. 

We arrived on the reef, and the various colors of the water should have been our first clue regarding the colors we'd see.  We then gathered our gear and hopped into the water.  Immediately, Barry (affectionately named by the crew) the "friendly" barracuda came over to greet us.  Okay, I'll admit that at this point, I was questioning myself about this adventure.  However, no one else was dashing back to the boat, so......
Our guide, Scott Ramadan, was a delightful, genuinely caring young man.  He knew all of the best spots to view star fish, stingrays, coral, turtles, caves, and an endless number of fish. The quiet, underwater scenery was beyond anything I've ever witnessed!  We snorkeled for a long time, but it seemed like only minutes.
We took a short glass bottom boat cruise, but truthfully, after snorkeling, we really wanted to be in the water, not on it; however, while cruising along we learned SO many facts about The Great Barrier Reef and its inhabitants.  For instance, The Great Barrier Reef is actually the size of Germany with over 19,000 total reefs.
 Next, we had a lovely lunch, chatting with a sweet family from Switzerland.  Once again, this excursion included so many nationalities - German, Swiss, Swedish, Canadian, British, Irish, and of course, the ever-happy Australians!
On to our next stop, where we had another ADVENTURE!  Everyone was snorkeling over a particularly beautiful reef cave, when a white-tip reef shark swam out directly underneath Rob.  Now, I honestly tried to signal (actually I started screaming until I realized how useless that was) to Rob, but he didn't seem to notice.  Then, the shark's mate joined the first shark.  Once again, I'm questioning my reasoning for this Bucket List item, when Scott assured me that these sharks are not interested in eating humans, and would probably be frightened away from us soon, which is exactly was happened.  Eventually, Rob did notice the sharks, and I had located Nemo and Dori!

All too quickly, this once-in-a-lifetime trip was over.  Our ride back to the wharf was more like a speed boat race with water spraying everywhere, not a cloud in the sky, warm sunshine on our skin, and a good exhaustion from an amazing outing.  As we left the boat, every crew member was lined up to shake our hands.  Class!

After our clean up, we walked along the Esplanade, watched a Holland America Cruise Ship depart, and enjoyed an awesome Italian dinner at Marina Paradise!  Today, was definitely a day to always remember!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Daintree Rain Forest - October 24, 2014

Daintree Rain Forest - October 24, 2014

Pick up time - 0630 hours - and we're off for a day that has left my brain swirling from all the information we've learned.  Rick Hall, our naturalist, was a walking, talking Goggle! We traveled from Cairns to the Daintree Rain Forest picking up a few other passengers from Oregon, Michigan, and England.  Once at the Rain Forrest, we rode a boat quietly along the Daintree River, spotting all sorts of plants, birds, and yes, this large crocodile!

Next, we strolled along the forest , along a gorgeous foot path, spotting SO many species of plants and animals.  The Daintree actually has more species of plants and animals than any other rain forest on Earth. The many pictures we took can't begin to capture the sounds, sights, smells, and emotions experienced during our hike.

 Later, we stopped along a beautiful beach on the coastal road.

We enjoyed a delicious lunch at a quaint restaurant  located outside of the Daintree.  Best of all, we got to feed the kangaroos!  Loved, loved, loved this!

Next, we had ice cream at the Daintree Ice Cream manufacturer.  Our personal favorite was the macadamia nut - awesome.  Afterwards, we had one more beach stop, before heading back home.

We trudged up to our room, collapsed for a two hour nap, then headed back downtown for dinner.  There are SO many places to select from, but we finally decide on "The Healthy Side" for a great meal!

G-day, Mate! Finally, we're in the Land Down Under!

G'day, Mate!  Finally, we're in the Land Down Under!
October 23, 2014
The ONLY reason we didn't have to be dragged off the Solstice kicking and screaming, is that we are REALLY excited to finally arrive in Australia!  We are docked directly next door to the Sydney Opera House amidst the most glorious sunshine and warmth!  Unfortunately, the harbor is under-going construction and we had to walk a block or two for our driver to pick us up.  Eventually, we all connected and headed to the Sydney Airport.
Since our flight wasn't for a couple of hours, we enjoyed coffee in the free wifi area, and caught up on emails, Facebook, etc.  Finally, we boarded our Virgin Australia flight for Cairns.  Every journey needs an adventure, and today, we certainly had ours.  As we're taking off, a very drunk Russian guy decides to get up and use the restroom.  The male flight attendant just about tackled the passenger, returns him to his seat, and lectures him on safety/seat belts, etc.  Two minutes later, the same repeated scene.  Now, I'm getting annoyed since this is all taking place two rows behind us.  The flight attendant tells the Russian guy that if he doesn't sit down, the pilot will turn the plane around and return to Atlanta.  The guy sits down, and I give him the meanest teacher took I could muster, meanwhile, I'm thinking, "Buddy, I've waited a REALLY long time to see The Great Barrier reef, and I'm two hours away from my destination.  If you don't sit down, I'm going to take you down!"  Luckily, he falls asleep, or passes out, who knows/cares, and we continue.
Cairns is a lush tropical seaside town, loaded with personality!  Our hotel, The Pullman, is luxury PLUS.  We settle in, only to discover that we need an adapter for our multiple American appliances.  We venture into the center of city, find our adapter, enjoy a delicious baramundi (Australian fish) dinner, then head back to the hotel for a good night's rest.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Our last two (full) days on the Solstice - October 21/22, 2014

Our last two (full) days on the Solstice -  October 21/22, 2014

As we cross the Tazman Sea, we are savoring these last two full days aboard the beautiful Solstice. 

We've met so many fascinating folks, with connections that validate the statement, "It's a small world" but today's example was borderline spooky!  As Rob was enjoying his cappuccino in his favorite lounge, two gentlemen asked if they could join us.  While chatting, we discovered that one of the chaps was a retired vet from the Australian Army.  As our conversation continued, he was delighted to hear that we were from Atlanta, because his "second career" company was based in Alpharetta.  Sure enough, it turns out that he works for FATS, a company that Rob also worked for immediately after retirement! Both of the fellows, who also happened to be brothers, have spent some time in our next destination, Cairns, so they recommended a couple of restaurants/places to visit.   On this cruise, we've enjoyed visiting with folks from Australia, Houston, England, Canada, Virginia,  Denmark, Tampa, Burma, Bora Bora, Romania, Orlando, San Diego, and New Zealand!

Besides the beautiful ship, delicious meals, and excellent service, we've watched several hours of awesome entertainment such as the Aussie Boys and Nikki Bennett.  Both of us have read several books.  I've completed a smocked inset for Lily's next dress, as well as appliquéd a quilt block.  Most of all, we've relaxed and rested. We both agree that this has definitely been our best cruise ever, and tomorrow, we'll be very, very sad to disembark.  The cruise line flew in Australian Immigration agents, and we're now cleared to begin our exploration of The Land Down Under!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Bay of Islands, New Zealand - October 20, 2014

Bay of Islands, New Zealand - October 20, 2014

If Bora Bora was our "shades of blue" destination, then the "shades of green" port has to be the Bay of Islands!  From the pale green sea to the dark green pines/palms, the variety of green was breathtaking. 
We began our day with a 25-minute tender ride from our ship to Waitangi where the treaty between the Maori Chiefs and the British Crown was first signed in 1840.  From there, we took a shuttle bus to Paihia, a place of friendly locals, trendy cafes,  and people enjoying life minus any pesky insects or rodents!

Next, we took a ferry ride to the island of Russell, which was an established Maori settlement called Kororareka prior to Captain Cook's arrival. From the early 1800s, whalers found this beautiful island an ideal provisioning port. We definitely found plenty of provisions as Lana  enjoyed purchasing quilt fabric here, Rob even found a New Zealand Quilt magazine for her, as well as an awesome handmade wood shark puzzle for David. 

Our ferry boat driver used the term "y'all" which we hadn't heard since we left Atlanta!  After chatting with her, we learned that previously she  was a flight attendant from KY/VA and she met her future husband on an international flight.  She LOVES living in New Zealand, which is understandable.

The locals couldn't have been friendlier.  One example was a water dish for thirsty dogs in front of the local museum.  Another example was when we wanted to purchase a t-shirt for Lily, but the merchant didn't have the correct size, so she sent us down to the street to another store where she was certain I would find what I wanted.  By the way, they refer to their money as "kiwi" - LOVE THIS PLACE!  As we sailed away,  we watched a stunning sunset over the 144 islands for almost two hours.

Auckland, New Zealand - October 19, 2014

Auckland, New Zealand!  October 19, 2014

As I'm updating this blog, we are sailing into the port of Auckland, and never have I EVER seen so many sailboats!  No wonder this is considered the "City of Sails"   where one in every (three or five, depending on the source)  households own a sailboat!  Once again, the captain is backing our cruise ship into the berth.  Directly next door is the Hilton, and many of their guests are taking pictures of our arrival while we're taking pictures of them!    Auckland, originally called "Tamaki  Makaurau" which translated means "a maiden desired by many" - an accurate description of Auckland, has been voted one of THE most desirable places to live/visit due to its varied landscapes, sparkling waters, and vibrant urban lifestyle.
We sailed by the Sky Tower, considered the tallest building in the southern hemisphere, which you can ride to the top (328 meters)  in 40 seconds! For now, we're off to explore this most populated city in New Zealand.
Back in our cabin, after an amazing day, we agree with the description of this fabulous city.  We began with a tour aboard the Duckbus beginning with a ride thru the Viaduct Harbor and into the Waitemata Harbor at Westhaven Marina.  Our Duckbus then traveled down the main streets on this charming city.

After the tour, we strolled down to the Mariner's Museum, then on to the downtown area.  We made a quick stop in a coffee lounge to download our emails at one of the many "free wifi zones" - the locals call it "wefe" and some of the zones look like our old fashioned telephone booths.  Another charming  Auckland difference is the way pedestrians cross the major intersections.  When the green light appears, one may cross horizontally, vertically, or diagonally across the intersection since all four ways of traffic stop simultaneously.  Naturally, we HAD to give this a try!  Also, while walking down Queen Street, there are free buses for those who have shopped till they dropped.  As Rob would say, we supported the local economy in "Chamber of Commerce" weather!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Sea Days - Oct 14 - 18, 2014

Days At Sea - October 14 - 18, 2014
Our favorite - days at sea!  We really rest and relax.  The ship offers plenty to do, such as  destination talks, historical presentations about the area, educational programs ranging from sea birds to whales, plenty of classes involving exercise, dance, games, etc. and of course, the typical cruise evening shows.  Rob enjoys spending his time reading in the coffee lounge.  Lana smocks, updates the travel blog, logs in at least one hour daily at the fitness center, and reads at the pool deck, weather permitting.  As mentioned earlier, the passengers on this particular cruise was such fun people.  Once again, we've received many recommendations from the Aussies on board (thanks Trish/Jeff, Andrew/Sharon, Lynn/Peter) for activities/restaurants once we're back on land.

October 15th - the day that wasn't.  As we crossed the International Date Line at midnight, on Oct 14th, we "lost" one day - October 15th.  Naturally, the ship had a celebration as we crossed from Oct 14th to Oct 16th.  Thanks, Violetta, our cheerful, sweet cabin attendant for the adorable creations as we return to our room.  Cute, huh?

October 16th - Today, we've encountered some unexpected rough seas.  The captain says this unpredicted weather will last 6 - 10 hours, and passengers should wear flat shoes and hold onto the rails while walking.  It's actually quite beautiful to watch the swells crashing, sending foam sailing into the air.  Crazy Kleimons that we are - we love the rocking back and forth, as well as the howling of the winds. Our evening meal was most likely THE BEST CRUISE meal we've ever enjoyed!  The Osso Bucco had the bone removed with gently spiced meat that was incredibly tender!  The Blu restaurant continues to impress us with delicious food prepared to perfection!
October 17th -  Calmer seas have returned, along with sunny skies just in time for the "Walk for Cancer Research" today.  All during this cruise, there have been several activities in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month - flash dance, walks, etc.  Of course, since the lively, fun-loving Aussies are participating, it's always fun!

October 18th - We're cashing in some American dollars ($0.79 = $1.00 NZD) for New Zealand dollars in preparation for tomorrow's arrival in Auckland.  Lana has attended the destination talks, so we have our excursion booked, as well as some different attractions to visit.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Beautiful Bora, Bora - October 13, 2014

Beautiful Bora, Bora!
October 13, 2014

As we sailed into this port, while  enjoying breakfast on our  balcony, it felt like we were in the middle of  the filming a tropical island paradise movie!  However, a movie or picture couldn't do this beautiful island justice!  Our "Chamber of Commerce" weather, combined with the 12 various shades of the water, made this  one of the most gorgeous place we've ever visited.
We started our exploration with a glass bottom boat excursion that sounded interesting.  Little did we know, this would become our favorite excursion ever!  Our guide, Tai, made this a trip we will always remember!  Not only did he navigate his boat around the lagoon pointing out places of interest, such as the celebrity favorite hot spot, Bloody Mary's,  he also took us to an amazing reef, and then he jumped into the water to feed the fish.  Now, we have a new frame of reference for "food frenzy" as schools and schools of fish swarmed our boat.

Next, he took us by the Hilton Hotel, which consists of several gorgeous grass huts on stilts.  We agreed that we could definitely book a month here!
Then, we went to another section of the lagoon to feed the reef sharks and sting rays.  The entire time we were there, all we kept saying is, "Oh man, David would LOVE this!"

We were truly sad when the excursion was over, as we simply did not want that experience to end.  So, to make me feel better, Rob took me to buy a Tahitian black pearl  necklace to commemorate this amazing day!  What a guy!

Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia - October 12, 2014

Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia

October 12, 2014

As we sailed into this tropical port, it was quite fascinating to observe how the captain maneuvered this massive ship into the narrow space, not to mention, BACKED the Solstice into the berth.  We arrived at 0700, and the crowds could disembark at 0800.  We  decided to wait until after lunch to disembark, because it is Sunday, and many of the merchants probably won't open until the afternoon.
So, we enjoyed breakfast with another charming couple, Peter and Lynn from Auckland, New Zealand, who have seen far more of the US than the average American!  They just finished visiting the last of the fifty states and have sailed the Intracoastal Waterway twice.  Additionally, it turns out, their son just married a gal from Smryna!
Modern day Christopher  Columbus and his Tahitian bride, AKA us, disembarked to discover Papeete, which didn't take too terribly long since indeed, most of the merchants were closed.  What we did discover is that everything was extremely pricey!  Now, we're always willing to boost the local economy, but their prices suggested that the locals expected our cruise ship passengers to pay off their national debt! 

Once back on the ship, we were treated to a local Tahitian music/dance.  It was the perfect way to end the day!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fifth Sea Day - how did THAT happen?

Fifth Sea Day - how did that happen?
October 11, 2014
Our sea days seem to be zooming by!  Tomorrow, we will be in Tahiti, thus today, we need to relax, relax, relax!  So, we started off with a lovely breakfast in the Blu, seated next to a delightful British couple. We shared cruising delights, as well as Rob's adventures while in Hythe, England working at the Army's port.
Next stop, coffee in our favorite morning lounge, while we read.  Feeling a bit guilty about our constant consumption of delicious food, we headed up to the Fitness Center for another workout.  Naturally, afterwards, we HAD to relax on the heated tile chairs in the Aqua Center.  Heavenly!
Lana attended the afternoon performance, "A tribute to Neil Diamond tunes" and enjoyed every song! 
We decided to try the main dining room, The Grand Epernay, this evening!  Once again, we had a lovely table next to a window and enjoyed a fabulous meal.  Later, we sipped Irish Coffee/Cappuccinos in the Cafe al Bacio.   And another sea day ends.

Love these Aussies

Love these Aussies!
October 10, 2014
We can really get accustomed  to these breakfasts on the balcony, cappuccino/reading at our favorite lounge, and then a relaxing workout in a fitness center overlooking the ocean!
During lunch, we chatted with two lovely ladies from Melbourne, and discovered that 80% of this cruise are Australian passengers!
Gary Arbuthnot, was the featured entertainer for the afternoon matinee.  He is an Irish instrumentalists, who played a wide variety of tunes. 
Rob then took his retirement nap, and Lana went to the top deck for her daily sunshine fix.  The weather is always perfect - a slight breeze and comfortable sunshine, which makes for relaxing reading and people watching!

Our Neil Diamond sound alike, Rob Ondras, was performing in the Ensemble Lounge, so we enjoyed singing along with Dick and Christine, while enjoying before dinner drinks.  Our retired Marine buddies joined us for another amazing dinner at the Blu Restaurant.  While dining, the Aussie gal we had chatted with last evening, sought us out to share a couple of Sydney dinner recommendations:  Doyles on Watson Island and the Center Point.  Then, while traveling in the elevator, another Aussie couple recommended Fish on the Rocks and Cafe Sydney.  LOVE THESE SWEET, FRIENDLY, ALWAYS HAPPY AUSSIES!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy Birthday, MeMe!

Happy Birthday, MeMe!

October 9, 2014

This morning's breakfast partner included a gal who has been on 40 Celebrity cruises since 2005! 
I LOVE updating this blog while sitting on our balcony. The weather is a perfect 82 degrees with a slight breeze.  Our ship will be crossing the equator tonight at 2330 hours.  A couple of trivia facts - travelers who have never crossed the equator are called "pollywogs" while those who have crossed the equator are called "shellbacks" thus, today, a special ceremony will take place in honor of  the crossing of the equator!  This ceremony will be conducted at the one of the gorgeous pool areas.

The art on this ship is fabulous, and this photo is for you, Teri Stewart!

It's a beautiful day on the Pacific!

October 8, 2014

Another benefit of our "Aqua Class" package, is the beautiful Persian Gardens Spa.  Today, Rob and I relaxed on these funky looking chairs, with heated tiles! This was just what the doctor ordered for Rob's stiff back. 

There are so many activities to select from each day!  For instance, today's photography class was quite informative.  Truly, there is enough to keep one running from activity to activity throughout the day.  At each stop, we seem to always meet the most fascinating folks!  One thing that we all have in common is our love of travel, and it is very interesting to hear where these people have traveled.  At dinner, we sat next to a charming couple from Melbourne, who plan to provide us with a list of restaurants to sample in Australia!