Sunday, November 2, 2014

Our last full day of Lana's "Bucket List" - once in a lifetime trip - November 1, 2014

Back in the USA, where we all supposedly speak the same language, should have not presented a problem today; however, we certainly experienced lack of communication!  We made arrangements with the taxi driver who took us from the Honolulu airport to the Hale Koa Hotel to take us to a couple of destinations during our stay.  So, this morning, when he called to say that he'd arrived to take us to our friends' home, we went downstairs only to discover that our taxi driver was no where to be found. We called him, and he said that he was down on the main street, so we walked to the main street, but again, we couldn't find our taxi driver.  We called him, and he said that he was in the lobby area, thus we trekked back up the stairs, but again, we couldn't find him.  To make a long story short, he was waiting for us at the yacht club.  Really?   He thought we were spending the night at the yacht club?  Go figure.  Luckily, he was able to pick us up in ten minutes, the traffic was light, and we weren't too late arriving at the Rathyen's.  We hadn't seen Cris and Wayne in 29 years since we all lived in the Sagamihara Courtyard while stationed in Japan. We took a quick tour of their beautiful home, and then drove over the the Kanehoe Marine Corps Air Station beach where we sipped champagne and reminisced.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at Buzz, a local "can't not" restaurant before returning to our hotel.  It was a perfect ending to our once-in-a-lifetime bucket list trip!

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