Sunday, February 25, 2024

Kleimon-Kruger Family Reunion Alaskan Cruise July 6 - 14, 2023

July 6, 2023  -  Rob, Ari, Robert Hicks and I began our adventure from Atlanta to Seattle for our annual Kleimon-Kruger Reunion.  It was a tad bit trickier this year since Rob's cancer was causing a few mobility issues.  Robert Hicks drove us to the ATL airport, where Delta Airlines quickly provided us with a wheelchair for Rob. Within minutes we were at the gate and on our way to Seattle. After our flight, Delta quickly provided another wheelchair to retrieve our baggage and head to the Ride Share section of the airport. We rode to our hotel, Maxwell Pineapple Place, and checked in.  Ari, Robert and I walked around the city for a while, and Rob napped. We enjoyed an early dinner, and then Robert H., Ari, and I ventured over to the Space Needle for our sunset reservation. We had so much fun!

July 7, 2023  Seattle, Washington and then Sail Away on Ovation of the Seas

Since our bodies were not sure what time we were supposed to be in, we woke up kind of early, SO Ari, Robert Hicks and I took a Lyft over to the original Starbucks where we enjoyed fabulous coffee, then walked over to the Public Market for some serious breakfast.  First, we stopped to watch the famous "fish throwing" at the Market.  It was absolutely hysterical. Then we walked over to the recommended bagel and donut places. OMG!!!!!! We had such a feast.  We had to walk off all those calories, so we roamed the Market.  We couldn't get over how cheap the beautiful flowers were.  Robert and I took so many pictures.  Ari purchased some local honey from a lady who has sold honey in the Market for over 25 years.  She drives over 50 miles each way from her home in Washington to see the honey. 

By the time we returned to the hotel, it was time to gather our belongings and head over to our port.  Luckily for my Robert, the process of boarding our ship was fast and easy.  Once on board, we had to wait a short while for our room to be ready, so we enjoyed a little lunch. Sail away was lovely, as always, and dinner with our extended family was delightful.  We were so excited to be with Robin, David, Lily, Nancy, Jim, Don, Lori, and Nancy's cousin, Brian.

July 8, 2023  Day at Sea, traveling through the inside passage. Everyone went their own separate ways today - relaxing, playing ping pong, basketball, reading, napping, and EATING!!! I was very proud of Rob for making it to dinner! He's only been out of the hospital for a week!

July 9, 2023, Juneau, Alaska  HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY, DAVID!!!!!

Our first day on Alaskan soil, well for most of us anyway.  For Rob and I, it was our third Alaskan cruise! Most of us were going on a whale-watching expedition, so we boarded our bus to catch the vessel.  It was a gloriously warm, sunny day, and the crew kept telling us how lucky we were to have lovely weather. 

We hadn't traveled too far until we began spotting whales.  It was like the whales had been waiting for us to perform.  At one point, we saw a pod of sixteen humpback whales.  Then we saw some whales "bubbling" which is a technique (bubble net) that the humpbacks use to confuse and trap fish. Next, we saw a mother whale and her baby.  We learned so much about the humpbacks! Unfortunately, Robert Hicks got seasick and did not enjoy most of the experience. We rode past Mendenhall Glacier which seemed significantly smaller than the last time I saw it.

Back on dry land, Robert felt better so we explored the town of Juneau, also Alaska's capital.

We had a fabulous dinner celebrating David's 14th Birthday.  What a birthday to remember!

July 10, 2023, Skagway, Alaska - HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY, ROBERT HICKS!!!!

Another sunny, beautiful Alaskan day. I was nervous about returning to Skagway since the last time I was here, my father was medivac back to Juneau due to illness. Luckily, today was a much better day. We had two excursions booked.  First, several of us went to an Alaskan Husky Camp.  Lily and David were in heaven with all the puppies and dogs.  Once again, we learned so much about the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. It is an annual long-distance sled dog race from Anchorage to Nome.  We enjoyed some s'mores and then hiked a little before returning to the ship.

After lunch back on board, we took a lovely train ride from Skagway. The scenery was breath-taking! It was a train ride that I will always remember.  I was so happy that Robert H. was able to spend his 40th birthday in Alaska, especially in beautiful Skagway!

That night we had another celebration at dinner, this time honoring Robert Hicks!


July 11 - Sitka, Alaska

  Today, wasn't exactly sunny, more like overcast, but at least no rain. Our excursion today was to see seals, otters, and sea lions. We saw so much more - eagles and many other birds, whales and a volcano!!! Sitka was a quaint little town, and while there, all I could think of was "The Proposal" and how gorgeous the scenery was.  It did not disappoint.  The Minnesota folks enjoyed King Crab at a local restaurant.

July 12, Day at Sea - Another one of my favorite days doing some of my favorite things like "Silent Disco" with my family.  We had such fun!!!  Later, the whole group played games per David's request!  I loved that he wanted to do this.  Everyone laughed hysterically, and I will always treasure this wonderful time together.  Then, before dinner, we had a group picture taken.  The Kodak Queen is smiling.

July 13, Victoria, B.C.

Sunshine is back along with an action-packed day!  I had some time before our afternoon excursion so I rode the Hop On-Hop Off around Victoria since I had been here before. It was informative and a quick way to see the city.  I went back to the port to meet up with Robin, Ashley, David, and Lily to go on our zip-lining excursion.  The bus ride was entertaining and in no time we were surrounded by trees and beautiful mountains. This zip-lining experience was a bit more challenging for this 69-year-old Bubbie! My muscles hurt for days after, but the view was totally amazing! 

July 14, Farewell for now.....

Saying farewell was tough! Rob's diagnosis left everyone fearful that they would never see him again. Our trip to the airport was effortless and the trip home was smooth EXCEPT Ari and Robert's luggage was left at the Seattle Cruise Terminal. It took a few days, and lots of phone calls, but they did receive their luggage with all the contents, including the honey Ari purchased along the way!

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