Monday, July 18, 2016

Gilmore Family Reunion - July 18, 2016

There is something about waking up at the beach that soothes my soul!  This morning, while everyone slept, I drove over to Publix to purchase a few groceries, unloaded them back at the condo, made coffee, and still had plenty of time to read on the balcony overlooking the Gulf before anyone stirred.  Luxury, pure luxury. Finally, with everyone fed, we headed to the beach.  It was such fun to meet up with family to enjoy a beautiful, sunny Florida day.

Later, we all met at the American Legion, Post 423, for an evening of dining outdoors, watching the legendary sunsets of this area.  All 53 of us posed for various pictures including, first generation cousins,

second/third generation cousins
and finally a group picture.