Saturday, March 26, 2016

Howey-in-the-Hills, FL March 1 - 6, 2016

March 1, 2016 -Road trip to see Barb and Frank! Back down I-75 we go, with Meme in the backseat, to spend some quality time with Barb, Frank, and Louie.  Luckily, it was smooth sailing all of the way, and we met Uncle Hugh and Aunt Sharon at the McDonald's at exit 329.  We loaded Meme's luggage into their car, and off we all went.  It was perfect "Chamber of Commerce" weather as we pulled into the Tricomi's driveway, just in time for happy hour.

March 2 - Barb and I enjoyed a great walk around the golf course before breakfast.  Then, it was time to play our first round of golf. After a few holes, Rob was a bit dizzy, which we later learned was due to his new medication, so he and Frank returned to the house, while Barb and I finished our round. 

March 3 - Off we go, on another Tricomi adventure - this time an airboat ride!
What a blast!   We saw an assortment of wildlife, including alligators, turtles, and amazing birds.  Our airboat captain has to be related to Evil Kneevil, because he enjoyed crazy turns at a VERY fast speed.  On the way home, we stopped by the Villages to enjoy lunch at a lovely restaurant with outdoor seating.  It felt very European.  That evening, we HAD to visit Boondocker's for our traditional seafood dinner.

March 4 - Barb and I enjoyed our "girl's out" day by beginning with a lovely quilt show in Mt. Dora sponsored by Lake County Quilt Guild.  We then stopped by her quilt shop to see if the long arm quilter had her quilt ready, so naturally, I had to do a little shopping.  But then, we went to Mt. Dora where I did my BIG shopping at M's - my absolute favorite boutique. We then slipped into the wine store to select a couple of bottles to take to their lovely Canadian neighbors, Ann and Duncan, who had invited us for dinner.  Next stop - manicures and pedicures.  Wow, do I love the local nail salon, where wine is served.  It was such fun being pampered!  Ann and Duncan prepared an amazing meal, and as always, we had such a fabulous time.

March 5 - Time for another round of golf!  I really could get used to this routine.  Luckily, the Sandhill Cranes decided to make an appearance.  I am so fascinated by these crazy birds, and I was beginning to think that I wouldn't see them on this trip, when all of a sudden, there they were!  Yay! Barb and Frank prepared our "New Year's Eve" - a bit belated - dinner to celebrate with Ann and Duncan. Hopefully, we've convinced all our of them to come see us around the end of April.

March 6 - All too quickly, it's time to leave.  Fortunately, we won't have to wait too long to see our dear friends, as they plan to visit next month.

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