Thursday, October 15, 2015

Passau, Germany - October 15, 2015

Today we docked in another lovely port, Passau, Germany, known to the Europeans as Dreifussestadt, City on Three Rivers because it is situated at the confluence of the Danube, Ilz, and Inn Rivers.  We enjoyed an organ concert in the 17th-century St. Stephan's Cathedral. The organ is Europe's largest pipe organ. The cathedral was, thus far, the most impressive church we've ever visited.
Afterwards, we enjoyed a truly delicious lunch with the Stewarts and newly met friends, Connie and Jim (grape growers from California) at the Am Paulsbogen, a lovely restaurant recommended to us by Nadia.  Nadia is one of the ship's employees who attended the university in Passau for five years, and her recommendation was spot on. We then explored the narrow streets and quaint shops in Old Town before setting sail again. I have a difficult time concentrating as I update this blog because the Internet is best in the ship's lounge, which has lovely large windows, and I'm constantly distracted by the captivating scenery.  Opps - must close because we're entering another lock and I LOVE watching this procedure.

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