Friday, October 23, 2015

Kinderkijk, Holland

Hello to The Netherlands! The teacher in me LOVED this port, because I learned SO much about windmills, dykes, and the reclamation of land in Holland.  Our tour of the Kinderdijk community of working windmills and other ingenious flood management technology.  We learned how the Low Countries have managed the regular flooding they have experienced for centuries.
We even toured inside one of the working windmills constructed in 1738.
Sad to say farewell to our amazing Viking River Cruise.  Tomorrow, we fly home, where we can't wait to hug our family.

Cologne, Germany - October 22, 2014

We arrived in Cologne and immediately began our guided walking tour, which included the magnificent Gothic cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, began in 1248 and continued in several stages over seven centuries.  It was finally completed in 1880.  It was mildly bombed during WWII.  Today, it is the largest Gothic cathedral in northern Europe.
We also traveled by an adorable fountain depicting elves at work.  Naturally, I had to purchase one of this adorable creatures from a local shop, as well as the book!
After our tour, we enjoyed a truly delicious lunch at a local spot. Once again, the Germans have no clue about portion control!  Rob walked back to the ship (gasp) which was a few kilometers, but a direct walk back.  Teri, Alan, and I continued to stroll the many streets of this fourth largest German city. Great fun!

Koblenz, Germany - October 21, 2015

We began our day cruising through some of the most beautiful scenery in the world: The middle Rhine Valley, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  We sailed past Rhine castles in various states of repair, watching over idyllic small towns, churches and vineyards.  I kept hopping up onto the upper deck for pictures, then returning to the lounge to thaw. Rob remained in the toasty lounge, but took advantage of the spectacular scenery through the lovely floor to ceiling windows.

 At the narrowest part of the Rhine, we passed by Lorelei Rock, named for the legendary Rhine Maiden who lured sailors to their doom by singing like the ancient Greek sirens.  We arrived in the charming town of Koblenz to have this view from our balcony.
It was a sunny, glorious day, and I even needed by sunglasses for our tour to the Marksburg Castle. This castle remains as the headquarters of the German Castles.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Wertheim, Germany - October 20, 2015

We docked in Wertheim, Germany this morning for a walking tour of this charming fairytale town located at the meeting of the Main and Tauber Rivers.  The medieval townscape includes beautifully restored timbered houses built in Franconian style. We visited the historic marketplace, glassblowing studio, bakery, Euro Store (much like our Dollar Tree) and various other merchants.  This fascinating community floods regularly,so the town actually floods itself, preventing extensive damage.

   During the afternoon, we continued to cruise down this picturesque river admiring the scenery.  The vineyards seemed endless.

Wurzburg, Germany - October 19, 2015

A sunny day - yipeeeee!  Rob decided this would be his "day at sea" and remained on the ship, so Teri, Alan, and I headed off to explore Wurzburg, Germany. We began at the Residenz Palace, an impressive baroque Bishop's palace, as well as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  It was probably THE most impressive palace I've ever seen.  It was designed by Balthasar Neumann, built over a 70-year period, beginning in 1720.  The art was done by Venetian artist Giambattista Tiepolo.  The gardens were spectacular.  The gardens were splashes of every color as the lingering roses competed with the gorgeous leaves.

  After our tour, we strolled the streets for a while, then found a great place for lunch.  We've discovered that the Germans have no concept of portion control, as Alan's schnitzel was actually longer than his plate.  The food was marvelous, even if we couldn't finish all of it.
  Again, we're exploring the streets, when we stumbled upon an incredible gummie bear store where every flavor imaginable could be found.  I purchased Autumn themed gummies to take home to David and Lily.
   Next, we simply had to stop for coffee and a pastry - yum!  It fortified us for our continuing walking and exploring.
   Back on board, we continued our amazing sail down the Mein River.

Bamberg, Germany - October 18, 2015

Amazing!  Yes, this is definitely one of Germany's most beautiful cities, as well as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with over 2,000 buildings listed as historical monuments and its old city center is Europe's largest  existing group of historic buildings. Our tour was fabulous, but the highlight of my day was the Bamberg Lace Store.  Alan suggested exploring a street, and as we began our stroll, we came upon this famous lace store.  During WWII, Bamberg was not severely bombed, so most of the stores were frequented by the U.S. soldiers. Since the war efforts back in America were consuming most of the factories, lace wasn't a priority.  The GIs found this lovely lace store in Bamberg to purchase gorgeous lace to send back home.  It was chilling to stand in this store, purchasing lace products just as the WWII soldiers had done back in the 1940s. Most of the stores were closed because it was Sunday, but I was so ecstatic over the lace purchases, that I didn't even mind.  In fact, I found their "Closed" signs absolutely adorable.
 We opted NOT to try the famous "smoky" beer since the locals described it as drinking beer from an ashtray - ewwwwwwww!  We wondered, why would anyone drink this concoction? The locals response was, the first pint is disgusting, the second is okay, and by the third you really like it.

Afterwards, we enjoyed pretzels and (a lighter version) beer, probably like most of the WWII soldiers had also done, before returning to our ship.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Nuremburg, Germany - October 17, 2015

We arrived around midday after sailing along the Main-Rhine Canal where the leaves keep getting more and more vivid!  Nuremburg is a rather somber city, most notorious for the post-World War II war trials.  Much, 90%, of the city, was destroyed during the war, but a section of the 13th-century wall remains, as well as the Nazi Party Rally Grounds, Zeppelin Fields, the Documentation Center, and Palace of  Justice.  This city is also known for his handicrafts, particularly toys and fancy metal work.  We were lucky enough to see the Market Square packed with local vendors.
The beautiful Christmas shops, featuring "Smokers" and Nutcrackers, were fun to visit.

Back on our ship, the entertainment,featuring three fabulous opera singers and a pianist,  included an audience participant, Rob, which was hysterical!  Everyone on board now knows his name!  I'll edit our post later to include a picture taken by one of the other passengers.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Regensburg, Germany - October 16, 2015

Happy Birthday, David Trick! Today we arrived in one of our many "burgs" while in Germany, Regensburg.  One of the many things that we've come to appreciate while on this Viking River cruise, is the optional tours available.  Today, was a perfect example, as four different tours were available, and we selected the city tour with focus on the Jewish Quarter. Jews arrived in Regensburg around the same time as the Romans during the 10th century. Actually, both the Jews and the Roman military shared the same walled city.  The Jews would become essential members - bankers, traders, doctors, lawyers, teachers - within the community.  However, eventually they were driven out of Regensburg, due to the pogroms and then the Nazi ruling, with only 15 survivors remaining after World War II. A tribute in built in the center city where they first synagogue existed.
There is a German gentleman who is attempting to remember every Jew exterminated during the Holocaust by placing a bronze brick near his/her residence. His philosophy was that a person will always be remembered if his/her name is not forgotten.

We crossed over the 12-century Old Stone Bridge where we saw this spectacular view of Regensburg.

Of course, we had to sample the delicious chocolate from Princez, one of the oldest chocolate stores in Germany. Also, on the "can't not" list was the 800-year old Alte Wurstkuche (Old Sausage Kitchen) where we tasted AMAZING grilled sausages on rolls with sweet mustard.  Yum!  The sun actually came out today as Teri was purchasing her cuckoo clock!  I do believe that was a sign from above that her purchase was a must!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Passau, Germany - October 15, 2015

Today we docked in another lovely port, Passau, Germany, known to the Europeans as Dreifussestadt, City on Three Rivers because it is situated at the confluence of the Danube, Ilz, and Inn Rivers.  We enjoyed an organ concert in the 17th-century St. Stephan's Cathedral. The organ is Europe's largest pipe organ. The cathedral was, thus far, the most impressive church we've ever visited.
Afterwards, we enjoyed a truly delicious lunch with the Stewarts and newly met friends, Connie and Jim (grape growers from California) at the Am Paulsbogen, a lovely restaurant recommended to us by Nadia.  Nadia is one of the ship's employees who attended the university in Passau for five years, and her recommendation was spot on. We then explored the narrow streets and quaint shops in Old Town before setting sail again. I have a difficult time concentrating as I update this blog because the Internet is best in the ship's lounge, which has lovely large windows, and I'm constantly distracted by the captivating scenery.  Opps - must close because we're entering another lock and I LOVE watching this procedure.

Melk - October 14, 2015

This morning, our ship sailed through the Wachau Valley, the heart of Austria's wine country!This area is filled with cultural and historic importance, and is of unsurpassed beauty, that it has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  Every scene we traveled by could have been a postcard!

We docked in Melk shortly after lunch for an excursion to the dramatic 900-year-old baroque Melk Abbey, perched on sheer cliffs high above the Danube.  Its amazing library is home to a huge variety of texts, including medieval manuscripts, as well as books written in 14 different languages.
Back on the ship, we sailed through seven different locks during the remainder of the day which is a very fascinating process.
After dinner, we competed in a musical trivia game.  Our team, appropriately named "The Toddler's Team" tied for first place!  We enjoyed our trophy, a bottle of champagne - thanks, Viking River Cruise!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Vienna, Austria - October 13, 2015

This stunning city continued to provide magical moments.  We began our day with a tour on the remarkable Ringstrasse, lined with imposing palaces and grand residences, encircling the medieval Innere Stadt (Inner City), including the Hofburg Palace, the Spanish Riding School, and St. Stephan's Cathedral.  While at the Spanish Riding School, we were fortunate enough to be standing exactly where the horses were being brought in for a performance.  Truly, had I thought that I would not be sent to jail, I could have touched the horses!
The day just continued to be amazing!  We enjoyed a delicious coffee in one of Austria's equivalent to Starbucks, Aida and then strolled along the lovely streets.
After lunch, we had the awesome opportunity to take an optional trip with the ship's chef, Jakub, to the local farmers' market, Nachsmarket.  We rode the subway to Karlsplatz, then strolled through an incredible market filled with sights and smells beyond description.  It was simply awesome to watch the chef purchase bread, cheese, etc. for upcoming meals.  We also stopped into one of his "friend's" local shop where we were treated to wine, cheese, cold cuts, and bread.
Just when I thought this day couldn't get any better, another "once in a lifetime" opportunity presented itself when we arrived for our Mozart/Strauss Concert in the one of the Hafburg Palace's performance halls only to discover that we had front row seats! Wow!!!  The concert was positively enchanting.  The conductor was engaging, the performers talented, and it is a night I'll always treasure. Vienna,you will remain one of my favorite European cities!  Farewell....
P.S.  I'm updating this blog sitting next to lovely large floor to ceiling window as we cruise through the Wachau Valley.  We've traveled by castles, abbeys, vineyards,and scenery that is truly postcard worthy.  Life is good!

Bratislava, Slovakia - October 12, 2015

Another day, another country! Today we toured Bratislava, Slovakia's capital, set at the foot of the Little Carpathian Mountains.  We drove by the US Ambassador's home, perched high on a hill with a fabulous view of the city, while traveling to the castle.
 Later, we walked through Old Town, St. Martin's Cathedral, Michael's Gate, many aristocratic palaces, the baroque Jesuit Church, Rolland Fountain representing Knight Rolland, and the National Theater.  We passed many statues, but this one seemed to be everyone's favorite:
If you rubbed the little button on the top of his hat, you would receive good luck!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Budapest - October 10 - 11, 2015

Farewell, beautiful Prague!!  Bright and early we boarded our very comfortable Viking bus, destination, Budapest, Hungary.  Along the seven hour drive, we stopped for an absolutely delicious lunch at a drum roll......gas station.  But wait, this European gas station isn't your typical Quick Trip.It is a "Marche" station complete with an incredible assortment of fresh, delicious food.  We enjoyed a great sandwich, along with Hungarian goulash!  After a little nap, we arrived at our Viking River Cruise Ship, the Alsvin, docked alongside the Danube in Budapest.

We settled ourselves in Suite 231, and then joined the orientation in the lounge.  We met a lovely couple, David and Karen, from New England and we all enjoyed a fabulous dinner.  Afterwards, we relaxed with Teri and Alan for after dinner drinks in the lounge.

Sunday, October 12, 2015

Luck would have it, that a marathon would be running right in front of our ship, so the tour buses couldn't get to the ship until the afternoon.  This was not a huge problem, as Teri and I went off to explore on our own while the guys rested.  We enjoyed looking around in the little shops, cheering on the runners, and visiting the "Shoe Memorial" along the Danube.  This memorial was quite moving and somber. Numerous bronze shoes were cast along the river to give tribute to the hundreds of Jews executed here during WWII.

After lunch we boarded our bus to tour Hungary's lovely capital.  The Danube cuts through the heart of the cityy, separating the Buda Hills and the Old City from the elegant bouelvards of modern, "Pest."  We saw the National Opera House, Heroes' Square, Parliament, Fishermen's Bastion and Matthias Church.  We crossed both the Chain Bridge and Elizabeth Bridge during our journey.  Tonight, we enjoyed the company of Dwayne and Janie, also from New England.  Tonight, we sailed away around 9:00 PM, and the lights were simply breath-taking.  Bon voyage!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Another Beautiful Day in Prague - October 9, 2015

Happy 85th Birthday, Meme!  We began our day with a tour of how garnets are mined in the CR at the Lapis/Diamond Factory.  Little did I know, that my rings would have to be cut off my finger, then resized.  While wating for this procedure, we did a little shopping at this lovely place before heading back to the Old Town Square. After strolling around most of the morning, we enjoyed a lovely lunch at 7 Angels.  I do need to mention that we tried another restaurant but were told, "We're full" as the host motioned us to move on.  Well, what a lucky break for us, because we enjoyed a lovely, quiet lunch at 7 Angels located in a building from 1392.  Afterwards, Rob decided to head back to the hotel for a rest, while Teri, Alan, and I continued to explore the Old Town.

The sights were interesting, as well as unique!
After a brief rest, we took a taxi back to Old Town to enjoy a fabulous dinner at Cassaro!  Every one decided that we must return to Prague for a longer stay!  Tomorrow, we have a early breakfast, as we head off to Budapest!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Prague, CR - October 8, 2015

Today would have been Rob's dad's birthday, and I am sure the he would have approved the way we celebrated his day enjoying a gorgeous city, lovely people, and great food!
After a terrific breakfast at the Hilton Hotel, we boarded a Viking River Cruise bus for our Prague City Tour. First stop, the Prague Castle complex which included St. Vitus Cathedral.  While there, a super-cute group of little elementary school kids, obviously on a field trip, caught my attention! Next, we crossed over the Charles Bridge to visit the Old Town Astronomical Clock at the Old Town Hall. We sat at a lovely cafe, sipping coffee with the Stewarts, when our "can't not see a bride on every trip" strolled by!  Afterwards, we walked over to the Jewish Quarter where we saw the world's oldest continuous synagogue,  as well as Prague's "New Old Synagogue" and the Jewish above ground cementary.

After our tour, we enjoyed a light lunch at the Gate, and then returned to the hotel.  Rob napped while the Stewarts and I worked out at the Hilton's fabulous gym.  We had dinner reservations, recommended by many, at The Bellevue.  Truly, it was one of the most amazing dining experiences we've ever enjoyed.  The food was positively delicious, and the service was superb!
Back at the Hilton, we enjoyed after dinner drinks with the Stewarts to recount our incredible day in Prague!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Viking River Cruise

October 6 - 7, 2015

Viking River Cruise - celebrating our 40th Anniversary!

Thanks, Ari, for taking us to the airport to begin our journey!  We met Teri and Alan for Starbucks to toast our upcoming trip.  We departed on Air France around 1745 hours for a smooth flight to Paris. After a short layover, we boarded Czech Airlines for Prague.  We safely arrived, but one small suitcase was AWOL.  Viking Cruise Lines whisked us away to our lovely Hilton Hotel centrally located in downtown Prague.  After a short briefing, the Viking Rep, David, suggested an awesome restaurant for lunch, Kvul.  The exchange rate is $1.00 = 24 K.  Food is extremely delicious and very reasonably priced.  After lunch, we stopped for a much needed coffee break, as our jet lag was setting in, at Costa's - the European equivalent to Starbucks.  Since my workout clothing was in the AWOL luggage, a nap took the place of exercise.  Rob decided to stay in the hotel for dinner since he was still full from lunch, so Alan, Teri, and I headed off to a Fodor's/Viking recommended restaurant, Lokal. The restaurant was excellent and the prices were WAY below stateside meals.  We enjoyed watching all the locals at the Lokal while enjoying a delicious dinner.  We've just been notified that our Viking ship, the Ingvi is being replaced by the Angsvan due to the low waters on the Danube. The new ship is "state of the art" so we're not complaining.  Meanwhile, we anxiously awaiting tomorrow's tour of Prague.