Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Grand Cayman, June 2, 2015

We've been to the Caribbean over 20 times, but today was the first day we've ever experienced rain ALL day.  Luckily, our activities included a little shopping, and then an awesome submarine excursion over 100 feet below the sea!
After breakfast, David and Lily went to the Oceaneer Club, while Connor and Bubbie headed out to do a bit of watch shopping.  Connor found exactly the watch he wanted for a great price!  Score!!

Yay, Zaydie!  He picked up David and Lily from the Oceanner Club, boarded the tender, and met us on the pier in time for our excursion!  He wins "Zaydie of the Year" and lots of bonus points.  We headed out to our submarine, The Atlantis, drenched, but excited!
Over 100 feet below the surfact, life was calm, quiet, and very relaxing!  We enjoyed watching colorful fish, coral reef, and sting rays.  It was an amazing afternoon.
   Back on board the gorgeous Fantasy, we enjoyed a late lunch.  Afterwards, Lily and David played in the kids' club while Bubbie and Zaydie sipped cappuccino.  As we traveled back to our room, we ran into Cinderella and we had such a lovely chat with her!
   Our dinner in the animator's palate was beyond engaging!  Each guest drew a picture on a place mat which was later converted into an animated cartoon show along with the Disney characters.  Wow!  Then, our amazing server, Tom, created chefs for the kids from table napkins.  Back in our room, we found the latest towel creation - a frog!!!
And another incredible cruise day ends!

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