Sunday, June 7, 2015

Farewell Fantasy - Hello Kennedy Space Center

June 6, 2015
Wow - fastest week EVER!  Sadly, it was time to leave Disney's Fantasy, which definitely captured our hearts!
I think Lily stated it best when I asked her to say good bye to our cruise ship and she said, "I think we should get right back on!"
But, we had tickets for the Kennedy Space Center!  We did make one minor detour at Ron Jon's Surf Shop to get everyone new t-shirts, as well as a ukelele and guitar pick for Connor!  Anyone who has ever been to Cocoa Beach knows that a Ron Jon t-shirt is a wardrobe must!
It was a gorgeous day at the Kennedy Space Center, and I couldn't resist this adorable shot:
Our only wish was for more time!  We managed to see a few of the exhibits.
That's our Connor-man!
Then headed over to IMAX for a terrific show!
After lunch, we visited the gift shop, of course!  Sadly, it was time to drive to the Orlando Airport for Connor's flight back to Phoenix. was a family vacation of a lifetime, with memories to treasure forever.
P.S.  On our drive back home, we stopped at a Cracker Barrel for dinner.  David was singing "God Bless America" loudly enough for others to hear.  Once he finished, this sweet lady came over and asked if she could give David and Lily a dollar!  Truly, that was the perfect ending to our perfect trip!

Cast Away Cay, Bahamas - June 5, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015
   This day is one that I'd love to have burned into my forever memory!  Sunny skies, warm breeze, soft sand, tropical music, and that gorgeous Caribbean water made is a perfect day on Cast Away Cay.  First priority, our holiday card photo.  Here's a sneak preview:
After completing that task, David and Lily dashed for the water!
After a while, Zaydie and Connor decided that they would return to the ship.  Along the way, they saw Pluto dancing, so Connor decided to join in. The two mirrored each other's moves, while the crowds watched. As Connor would say, "he owned the dance floor" and luckily, Zaydie had the camera for proof!
Lily finally got her chance to ride a "big" slide!  She was SO proud of herself.  Bubbie went down the twisty slide once, then decided that it really wasn't her favorite; however, Lily wanted another ride. So Bubbie, hedging her bet, told Lily that if the attendant would let her go, she could.  Wouldn't you know, the life guard said that it was fine.  Miss Lily trotted to the water (by herself), swam the LONG distance to the platform, waited in a lengthy line, and eventually zipped down the slide a second time. Later, she and David went down the slide again!  Love that little gal's attitude!
   We enjoyed a lovely lunch under a coconut tree, before returning to the water!  Everyone had to be back on the ship at 4:45, and I think that we boarded around 4:44.  Really, it simply doesn't get any better than this.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Another awesome day at sea - June 4, 2015

The highlights of our day included so many relaxing and fun activities.  We started the day with a family breakfast in the Cabana.  Then, Bubbie, David, and Lily set off to explore.  First destination, meeting Captain Marco from Italy!
Then, we did a little shopping in the Disney Store.  Back in Cabin 8132, Lily and David played on the balcony while Bubbie updated the blog. Connor was busy with his cruise buddies.  David and Lily went to the Oceaneer Club for an hour while Bubbie went to the gym to exercise, and Zaydie read his Kindle in the Cafe.  Latere, we all reassembled in our cabin, changed into swimsuits, and headed to the pool.  It was Bubbie's turn to ride the Aqua-Duck.  She'll be the first to admit that she was a bit nervous, but she LOVED the ride!
We enjoyed lunch poolside, including delicious hot soft pretzels.  We played some more at the pool, then it was time to shower for our show.  We attended Disney's live show called "Believe" which was amazing!  Later, we had some more family portraits made before going to dinner.  It was Connor's favorite meal tonight including lobster and chocolate lava cake - YUM!
Afterwards, we returned to our room to discover yet another new towel creation - a peacock!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - Jamaica

A truly magical day!  This is definitely an add-on to your Bucket List - pirate night on a Disney Cruise!  Such fun!!!
We began our day with breakfast on our balcony in Falmouth, Jamaica. The weather was fabulous - no rain, warm temperatures, and the sun peaking through every few minutes.  Everyone scattered to various destinations - Connor to be with his cruise friends, Zaydie for some quiet time in our cabin, David & Lily to the Oceaneer Club, and Bubbie to do a little shopping.
Once Bubbie returned, she, David, Lily, and Zaydie headed down to the pool.  Sweet Lily, determined to ride the Aqua-Duck, insisted that we try again, because like she said, she might have grown tall enough to ride the ride. Sadly, she still wasn't tall enough!  Graciously, she handled her defeat with dignity, as David and Zaydie rode the Aqua-Duck TWICE!  We all enjoyed the various pool activities.  Before returning to our room for showers, we enjoyed our daily ice cream.  David proudly proclaimed, "I can't wait to tell Mom that we had ice cream every day and soda with lunch!"  Rats!!!!!!
After everyone showered, we headed downstairs for the pirate party!

We enjoyed lots of photo ops, then David and Lily wanted to visit the Oceaneer Club, so Zaydie and Bubbie enjoyed a happy hour, with quiet time filled with great people watching.  After a delicious dinner, we enjoyed the fireworks!
Finally, we returned to our room, and another amazing towel design!
Sorry we have no pictures of Connor.  He was too busy with his new cruise friends, which is a really great thing!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Grand Cayman, June 2, 2015

We've been to the Caribbean over 20 times, but today was the first day we've ever experienced rain ALL day.  Luckily, our activities included a little shopping, and then an awesome submarine excursion over 100 feet below the sea!
After breakfast, David and Lily went to the Oceaneer Club, while Connor and Bubbie headed out to do a bit of watch shopping.  Connor found exactly the watch he wanted for a great price!  Score!!

Yay, Zaydie!  He picked up David and Lily from the Oceanner Club, boarded the tender, and met us on the pier in time for our excursion!  He wins "Zaydie of the Year" and lots of bonus points.  We headed out to our submarine, The Atlantis, drenched, but excited!
Over 100 feet below the surfact, life was calm, quiet, and very relaxing!  We enjoyed watching colorful fish, coral reef, and sting rays.  It was an amazing afternoon.
   Back on board the gorgeous Fantasy, we enjoyed a late lunch.  Afterwards, Lily and David played in the kids' club while Bubbie and Zaydie sipped cappuccino.  As we traveled back to our room, we ran into Cinderella and we had such a lovely chat with her!
   Our dinner in the animator's palate was beyond engaging!  Each guest drew a picture on a place mat which was later converted into an animated cartoon show along with the Disney characters.  Wow!  Then, our amazing server, Tom, created chefs for the kids from table napkins.  Back in our room, we found the latest towel creation - a frog!!!
And another incredible cruise day ends!

Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1, 2015 - Cozumel, Mexico - Disney Cruise

We woke up to overcast skies, but calm seas in Cozumel, Mexico.  A few thunderstorms passed by the cruise ship, and we were a bit concerned that our excursion might be cancelled.  Luckily, by the time we were scheduled to meet for the Dolphin Encounter, the storms were gone.  We enjoyed a fabulous sea lion show prior to our Dolphin Encounter.  Once in the water, we spent about an hour with an adorable two year old dolphin named Almadeus.  It truly was a once in a life time experience.  Back near the cruise ship, Zaydie enjoyed a Starbucks while the rest of us did a tiny bit of shopping.
We had lunch and ice cream on the ship, then Lily wanted to hang out at the Oceaneer Club, Connor wanted to spend time at Vibes, and David stayed in the cabin with Bubbie and Zaydie.
   During dinner, Tom, our head waiter made awesome origami birds for Lily and David!  We celebrated Connor's graduation from middle school, David's graduation from preschool, and Lily's graduation from four year old preschool
Afterwards, Connor went back to Vibes, Lily & David enjoyed the Oceaneer Club, and Bubbies& Zaydie sipped coffee in the Cafe.  On our way back to the cabin, David and Lily got to meet Cinderella.
Afterwards, we even got to "high-five" Pluto before heading to bed!  We stopped along the way for another photo op:
Back in the cabin, our towel creation was a bat!  What an amazingly, magical day!