Friday, March 24, 2023

Caribbean Cruise to celebrate Stewart's 45th Anniversary Feb 24 - Mar 6

 FEB 23, 2023

We enjoyed an easy flight to Tampa, checked into a lovely Hilton Garden Inn Y Harbor, and strolled over to Tampa Bay Brewery for lunch. Once back in the hotel, we relaxed until it was time to meet my Gilmore family at Maggiano's for a delicious dinner.

FEB 24, 2023

We boarded Celebrity's Constellation on a gloriously sunny Tampa day with a super easy check-in.  Afer unloading a carry on in Cabin 7142, we met the Stewarts for lunch and the celebration began. After unpacking, I sat on the balcony to watch our beautiful sail away. As always, we met for happy our in the Martini Bar, and then enjoyed our first dinner together.

FEB 25 - Day at Sea

Love our sea days! We enjoyed a delicious, relaxing breakfast, then headed over to the Cafe for Rob's cappuccino(s) where we also found the Stewarts. We relaxed for a bit and them SOME of us went to Fitness Center. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing in the sun, reading on our balcony, and enjoying life.  After our champagne in a different bar, we went to the Tucsan Grille for the Stewarts' 45th Anniversary dinner. The steaks were pure perfection!!! The chef prepared a beautiful cake, unfortunately it was brought to the table AFTER we had desserts!

FEB 26 - Day at Sea

Happy Birthay, Gary!  Luckily, we called before the cruise since our WhatsApp isn't working so well! As always, we are happily enjoying a relaxing, sunny day at sea!  Disaster at dinner - horrible table next to the service door. Then, the show was simply bizarre!  I fell asleep several times during the performance.

FEB 27, 2023 San Juan, PR

We were invited to watch the sail-in on the helipad.  It really was splendid to enjoy docking while sipping Mimosas.  Life is grand! After clearing customs, T, Alan, and I walked around Old Town for a while, then headed back to the ship to prepare for the evening.  Met at the Martini Bar before our dinner. Unfortunately, the Anytime receptionists TRIED to sit us at the horrible table AGAIN!!We raised such a ruckus that I'm sure that won't happen again.

FEB 28, 2023 St Martin - French side

Oy, the traffic!!!!  Not our best visit to St Martin for several reasons - HEAVY traffic due to a regatta, couldn't find our favorite restaurant, hot/humid, and Rob's legs puffed out like elephant man's, plus he was extremely fatigued. T and Alan opted to hop off the taxi in town to walk around, but Rob and I returned to the ship.  Something is definitely wrong with Rob, so he'll be seeing a doctor as soon as we return home.  Even the taxi driver pulled me aside to ask if Rob was okay! He ultimately decided to join us in the dining room in spite of his swollen legs.  Worried.

MAR 1 - St Kitts

We walked around the cruise terminal shopping for t-shirts.  Bonus - Alan and T made purchases, plus I found a cute bathing suit cover-up. After our big ruckus with the manager of the dining room, we've now been consistently seated in Christina's (the server we liked from the first night) section.

MAR 2 St Thomas

Lovely St Thomas!!!  We had hoped to visit St John's, but sadly, our excursion was canceled,  T, Alan, and I took the taxi to the shopping area.  We shopped for t-shirts and a place to use the phone/Internet.  We went to Sony's family tourist shop and had immediate success.  I called Rob's cardiologist to schedule an appoint, and downloaded a couple of books from Libby. Back on the ship, Rob was reading with his book with his feet propped up to help with swelling.  

MAR 3 - Puerto Plata, DR

The sail in to this port was VERY slow, and we learned later that it is a treacherous port.  Last year an NCL ship got stuck on a sandbar and had to stay an extra 6 days for ship repairs.  T and I decided to walk around the cruise terminal, which was absolutely gorgeous.  Actually, it was the prettiest cruise terminal that I have ever visited.

We decided to walk into town.  A guide had suggested that we walk down the umbrella street, which was lovely.

We made a few purchases in the cruise terminal before boarding the ship. We met the guys for lunch, then T and Alan went back downtown to explore.  I worked out, then went to the Future Cruise desk to check out the upcoming cruises.  A sweet gal helped me find one that looked good, so I gathered info to share with the Stewarts. During happy hour, we decided to go back to the Future Cruise desk to book a cruise.  Poor Rob, says it was the most expensive happy hour ever.

MAR 4 - Day at Sea

Rob has enjoyed the cappuccinos on this cruise!

We have had such perfect weather.  It has been delightful sitting on the decks or our balconies every day.

MAR 5 - Day at Sea could this cruise almost be over??  We have relaxed, and my hand surgery is healing nicely since I haven't had to cook, clean, or do laundry for the past 11 days.  Best way to re-cooperate! We're packed for the return trip, other than adding a few more last minute items.

Mar 6 - Going home

We enjoy our last leisurely breakfast (no more eggs benedict for a while) then wait for our number to be called.  Once again, an easy check out, and we're in our Lyft car headed for Tampa's lovely airport.  We have a bit of a wait, so we read and people watch.  Our flight home was uneventful, as well as our Lyft ride home.  Until next trip......