Monday, July 4, 2022

2022 Family Caribbean Cruise JUNE 18 - 26, 2022

 June 18, 2022 Marietta, GA to Wildwood, FL

    Happy 40th Birthday, Ari!  Life is ironic - 40 years ago today, Ari was born in the Cape Canaveral, FL Hospital, and today he is back in the Cape Canaveral area in preparation for our family cruise. We departed at 0900 hours with David and Lily, destination Comfort Inn and Suites, Wildwood, FL. Our only problem was stopping for lunch, at McDonald's (it was David's turn to pick) but after four stops (three were only open for drive-thru), we finally had success! Luckily, we had no other problems, so we arrived at the hotel around 5:00. David and Lily quickly changed and headed to the pool. After a refreshing dip, David, Lily, and I headed to Steak-n-Shake for a quick burger.  Zaydie stayed back at the hotel because he was still full from lunch.  Got in bed at a reasonable time for tomorrow's big day!

June 19, 2022 - Port Canaveral, FL

     We've waited for TWO years for this day!  Our cruise was supposed to take place in June 2020 but due to Covid, it has been postponed until today.  As we're parking our car, we see Ari and Robert driving in, as well as Gary and his crew.  Everyone parked, quickly processed in, waited until 1:00 for our rooms to be ready, and then threw our luggage into our rooms. Our Stateroom on Deck 12, 610 is in a perfect place! Everyone met up at the Windjammer for lunch. Afterward, the kids went off to explore while Rob and I unpacked. We had some time to relax before getting ready for dinner.  As we arrived for dinner, we were surprised to see two tables - one for ten and one for six - PERFECT!!!  The kids sat together and the adults sat together. We celebrated Father's Day, which was lovely. After dinner, some of us went to the hysterical comedy show. And Day one aboard Harmony of the Seas ended.

June 20, 2022 - Cocoa Cay, Bahamas

     We arrive on a gloriously sunny day in the Bahamas.  Since our excursion isn't until 11:15, we slept in and then went to the Windjammer for breakfast. We then decide to head on over to Cocoa Cay. There are several huts, but eventually, we find the one to sign the paperwork for our "Swim with the Pigs" excursion. With a few minutes to spare, we decide to find hats for Ari and Robert because they forgot theirs, and the sun is brutally hot. As we're returning to our assigned meeting place, we see Robin, Ashley, Jim, and Nancy. Everyone starts applying sunscreen in preparation for our boat ride and adventure. We board our boat and cross over to Treasure Island. As soon as we spot the pigs, everyone starts squealing (no pun intended) in anticipation. We're given a short briefing before going on to the beach.

Everyone was ready to swim with the pigs.  The whole thing was quite hysterical, and we laughed the entire time.

We returned to Cocoa Cay, and most of the group returned to the ship. Robin, Ashley, Lily, and I had lunch which was amazingly delicious, especially for beach food.  We all went over to the pool which was refreshing. I saw dark storm clouds so I returned to the ship not wanting to get drenched! I spent the afternoon relaxing, then got ready to head to the Diamond Club for an hour of quiet reading my book and sipping a martini.  I returned to the room at 7:00 PM to help the kids get ready for dinner. After a lovely dinner, some of us attended the Ice Showcase, which was fabulous.  The special effects were ruling spectacular!

June 21, 2022 - Day at Sea Happy Summer Solstice

Oh, how I love days at sea.  Rob and I decided to have breakfast in the dining room, which seemed like a date! We returned to the cabin and the kids were still sound asleep. We read for a while, then Alex called to see if the kids wanted to do anything, so of course, they immediately hopped out of bed, dressed, and dashed off to meet Alex.  I took this quiet opportunity to visit the Next Cruise desk to inquire about next year's cruise, which of course I found. I also worked out in the very well-equipped fitness center, walked the track, and then met Rob, Nancy, and Jim for lunch.  Afterwards, I read on our balcony until it was time to get ready for my own little quiet time in the Diamond Club.  I am reading one of my favorite authors, Jodi Picoult, newest book, "Wish You Were Here" and I am having trouble putting that book down!

Tonight, we celebrated Ari's 40th birthday with a cake and everyone singing. It was a formal night, and a very fitting tribute to Ari.

June 22, 2022 Nassau, Bahamas

Today, we're going on an excursion involving sea lions! So, we're up early, finished breakfast, and ready to meet for our excursion. We all boarded one of two boats headed over to the Blue Lagoon.  We rode past some amazing yachts and homes. Once at Blue Lagoon, we had a short time before our excursion, so the kids played for a bit.  We walked over to the Sea Lion exhibit to get ready. Our group of nine adopted a single gal, Chrissie, to join our group. We moved to the sea lion tank to be introduced to Bonnie, the most charming, adorable sea lion EVER!  We spent the next hour engaged and enthralled with this amazing creature.

June 23, 2022 -  Falmouth, Jamaica
     This morning we docked at Falmouth, Jamaica.  We met at 8:15 in the Theatre for our excursion. We rode on the bus for almost an hour until we reached Dunn's River Falls.  Poor Robert Hicks got bus sick on our ride, so he opted to take the boardwalk while we climbed the falls.  We had ten folks in our group, which I quickly sized up, and selected the strongest-looking guy, Matt, to be the partner nearest me for our climb.  We began our ascent, which was steep, stepping on boulder after boulder with rushing water covering the path to the top, 960 feet.  I only had one small mishap when I stepped between two boulders and knocked a chunk of skin off of my shin.  It really was exhilarating and fun!  We were mobbed by merchants heckling us to purchase something on the way back to the bus, but the only thing I purchased was the video of our climb and water.
    We returned to the bus for our ride to the Green Grotto, a series of underground caves. The cave had bats, cool green water, and lots of neat shapes.

After our tour, I purchased snacks for the kids and Red Stripe Beer for Robin and me. Now we were ready for our bus ride back to the ship, this time insuring that Robert sat in the front.

Even the kids konked out! Once back at the port, Lily, Alex, and I did a little shopping.  David had spotted a small surfboard with the Steelers emblem, so I went back to get it for his birthday.
    We showered quickly, then attended the 6:00 Aqua Show.  It was amazing and nerve-wracking at the same time, watching the divers do EXTREMELY high dives on a moving cruise ship!

June 24, 2022 - Haiti - Labade

        Today we're at Labade, RCCL's private island. My wonderful brother offered to take the kids out to the beach today when I mentioned at dinner last night that I was tired of the sun and sand. They had such a great time.  Apparently, Gary rented some sort of floating pad that they dived off for hours! Meanwhile, I was able to enjoy a quiet, relaxing morning, working out at the gym, reading, and doing some needlework. Rob and I spent time in the Diamond Lounge sipping cappuccinos and reading.  Thank you, Gary!  
    Everyone spent the afternoon whatever made them happy.  This is the reason I LOVE cruising - everyone does whatever and everyone is happy!  Meriza French-braided my hair for dinner. Thank you, Meriza!!!!

 We enjoyed another fabulous dinner and then the amazing ice performance - 1847.

June 25, 2022 - Last Day of the Cruise - Day at Sea

HOW did that week go by sooooo quickly????  Well, everyone plans to make the best of our last day.  It's gorgeously sunny, so I spend a couple of hours at the pool reading before returning to the room to pack - groan......   We all agreed to meet at 7:00 for pictures in the great t-shirts that Nancy ordered for us.

It was a fabulous last evening!  The kids stopped by to give Rob hugs for the amazing cruise.

Everyone agreed it was THE BEST VACATION EVER!!!!!