Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Viking Vidar Cruise - Passage to Eastern Europe May 19 - June 5, 2022

 May 19, 2022 Marietta, GA

      Great ride to the airport with Aydn from Turkey.  Air France International desk didn't open until 1:30, and Rob had insisted we leave our house at noon, so we had time to people watch! :) Once we checked in, we enjoyed a couple of hours in the Delta Sky Club.  Uneventful, great flight on a roomy Air Bus to Paris. 

May 20, 2022, Prague, CZ

     The DeGaulle Airport is probably the world's least efficient airport, and it took over an hour plus to move from one terminal to the next, clear security and border control. We then took a small AF jet to Prague and had three seats each (2 C & D) while the economy section was crammed in like sardines! Then, we received a totally unidentifiable breakfast consisting of a green sponge-looking rectangle, white unsweetened yogurt, marinated mushroom-looking objects (we think), cheese, and luckily a croissant and coffee. Luggage arrived immediately, and we spotted the Viking Rep who called our driver. He arrived in a Mercedez and we were off to our Marriott in the center of historic Prague.  Had a 30-minute wait for our hotel since it was 12:30, but then we quickly settled into Room 450 to take a well-deserved nap! Refreshed, we walked around a bit, going to two grocery stores searching (unsuccessfully) for distilled water.  Luckily, the wonderful Viking Rep, Jana, said she would purchase it and get it to our room, which she did.  We enjoyed a delicious dinner in the Marriott's "The Artisan" restaurant, showered, and were in bed by 11:00 PM.

May 21, 2022, Prague, CZ

     We slept until the alarm went off at 0600.  Yay!  Delicious huge breakfast buffet before we set off at 0820 on our Viking walking tour.  Turns out that our part of town was in the "New Section" - 1400's of the historic area! We walked the "old" section, stopping to see the astronomical clock strike 0900.  Then went on to the Charles Bridge (one of 18 in the city), crossed over the "locks" part, rubbed our left hand on the St Vitis plaque for good luck, and continued on our way.  We walked past this amazing ice cream store where the cones were being freshly made, and it smelled heavenly! We had an hour's break so we enjoyed a Starbucks while people watching. After a stroll through the park, we boarded a bus to visit the Prague Castle and Cathedral.  We returned to the hotel around 1:15.  Rob immediately took a nap after 3-1/2 miles of walking while I went exploring.  Upon my return, he was still napping so I worked out at the gym.  We enjoyed another fabulous dinner at "The Artisan" and Rob was too tired to walk anymore, so we relaxed in our room.

May 22, 2022, Prague, CZ

     After another delish breakfast, including sampling the Czech donut, as well as a "healthy" whole wheat croissant with seeds, we set out at 0845 on our private tour of "Jewish Prague" with Jana, our amazing guide. We began with the "Old New" synagogue, the oldest sustained synagogue in Europe. It was completed in 1270, situated in Josefov, Prague.  It is in gothic style and home to the Golem myth.  The legend of the attic was created by Rabbi Loew to protect the Prague community.  We saw three more stumbling blocks along the way from the Jewish Getto.  We learned that the Czech Jews had to wear yellow hats and had to return to the Ghetto to sleep.  The Jewish Ghetto no longer exists due to modernization. Next, we walked to the Maisel Synagogue, built during the 16th century, but no longer operational, as it is a museum.  We strolled through the old Jewish Cemetery, the largest in Europe with graves 10 deep dating back to 1439.  There are over 12,000 tombstones including Rabbi Judah Loew.  It is listed as National Geographic's top 10 cemeteries to visit around the world - who knew?  We toured the emotionally charged Pikas Synagogue, a memorial to Holocaust Victims. We walked past the Klaus Synagogue which is now a ceremonial hall, as well as the Spanish Synagogue. Afterward, we had cappuccino/iced coffee back at the hotel. I decided to take a walk while Rob read to hopefully find another restaurant for dinner.  I went by the Italian restaurant that Jana had suggested, but wasn't thrilled with the menu.  I kept exploring and found a place that looked okay.  Then I walked back to the Astronomical clock in the old town to watch/listen to it chime again.  So amazing! I returned to the hotel to work out at their awesome gym.  Afterward, I showered and it was time for dinner.  We walked over to the "ok" restaurant only to find that it was closed.  Luckily, we spotted the Michelin restaurant that Jana had also mentioned, Cafe Imperial, across the street, so Rob suggested that we check out the menu.  It looked great, so we went inside.  Because we were ahead of the dinner crowd, we were able to be seated! Cafe Imperial is frequented by famous celebrities, such as Franz Kalka since 1914. It did not disappoint! We enjoyed Viener Schnitzel, fries, and a chocolate dessert with coconut ice cream.  Yum! And, the last evening in Prague was amazing.

May 23, 2022, Prague to Budapest, Hungary

     Today, we said farewell to Prague as we boarded our 40-passenger bus with only 12 passengers to Budapest, Hungary.  After 90 minutes we stopped at a spotlessly clean gas station for a quick bathroom stop.  Back on the bus, we cleared the Slovakian border without even a slow-down and traveled on to Hungary.  Shortly after that border, we stopped at a very clean service station where we enjoyed Hungarian goulash and crusty bread.  Back on the bus, we both napped as we traveled on to Budapest. We checked into the Corinthia Hotel Room 4126 - a beautiful facility, but no USB or US electric outlets, and unfortunately, the front desk had run out of converters. I took the Viking Welcome Walk while Rob napped.  Upon returning to the hotel, the Viking desk made us 1900-hour dinner reservations at Cafe Vian next to a huge statue of Liszt at the Academy of Music.  We strolled over, got a great table outdoors, and enjoyed mammoth portions of veal schnitzel, fries, and an amazing green salad with a dijon mustard dressing. I had the traditional Unicom after-dinner drink while Rob enjoyed his perfect cappuccino.  Back at the hotel, we showered and collapsed.

May 24, 2022, Budapest, Hungary
     Wow! Another fabulous breakfast, well, the coffee wasn't so great, but the food was amazing! We sat next to two Ontario, Canadian couples - Rick, Tony, Sally, and Chris who were quite funny.  We boarded our bus for the Panoramic Budapest Tour.  First, we rode around the Pesh side to Heroes Square, the park, the Synagogue, and the Jewish Quarter, and then crossed the Charlotte Bridge for the Buda side.  We unloaded near the Castle District and took a brief stroll to St Mathias Cathedral which was so gorgeous.  We had some free time, so we purchased a few souvenirs, then had cappuccinos. We boarded the bus and rode by Parliament and the "bronze shoes" - very sad.  Sixty pairs of shoes on the dock represent the 600,000 Jews murdered.  Back at the hotel, we rested a bit before I started on my quest to tour the Opera House.   I was feeling very discouraged at the ticket office when I was told that today's tickets had all been sold.  I asked if I could walk around and visit the gift shop and was told, "Sure!" While in the gift shop, I overheard another couple complaining that they also didn't get tickets when a very sweet employee told us that if we joined the Hungarian group she would be speaking English.  So, we rushed back to the ticket office and again were told, "Sorry, Viking bought all our tickets."  Not being one to give up easily, I approached the Viking Rep to see if we could purchase tickets for the tour.  She said, "Certainly," so Debbie and Steve (from Atlantic City) and I joined the Viking Group.  The Opera House was as fabulous as I had anticipated.  In the end, we were treated to a cute performance by a male and female singer!  So, wonderful!  On the way back to the hotel, I popped into a grocery store, Spar, to purchase distilled water, but was met with a very unhelpful employee who told me "No" and indicated that she had no idea where I could purchase it.  Walking away, I spotted what looked like a large CVS, and they actually had two sizes - SCORE!  Back at the hotel, we do a quick wardrobe change and head back to Cafe Vian for dinner!

May 25, 2022, Budapest, Hungary

    We checked out of the lovely Corinthia and boarded our coach for the Jewish Budapest tour at 1000.  Loved getting off the bus next to another bus filled with Chassidic Jews at the (Great) Dahony Synagogue, the second-largest synagogue in the world. Toured this beautiful, old synagogue, then walked over to the Jewish Quarter to see the Jewish Museum and the Tree of Life with the names of over 400,000 Hungarian Jews killed by the Nazis.  Our group enjoyed drinks and cakes at the Spinoza. The bus transported us to the terminal where we boarded the Viking Vidar.  Rob decided to take a nap, and I opted to walk over to the International Market.  I met a lovely couple from Georgia Tech, Jeff and Theresa who were also going to the market to buy Rubicubes for grandkids, so I decided to do the same. After a successful trip, we got ready for dinner, fire safety drill, drinks, and a delightful dinner as we sailed away.

May 26, 2022, Kalocsa, Hungary

     This morning, after a wonderful breakfast, we boarded our coach for Kalocsa, Hungary, the world's capital of Paprika.  We visited Holy Trinity Square where we toured a magnificent cathedral, the Arch Bishop's Palace.  We heard a 20-minute organ recital at St. Joseph's Church where the pipe organ had over 4,000 pipes!  Afterward, we drove to the Bakopusia Equestrian Center where we watched an amazing horse show, as well as sampled various local foods and drinks.  Of course, I purchased paprika. Back on board, we enjoyed a light lunch.  I then walked the track, practiced my putting and caught up on this journal.  We enjoyed a fabulous dinner with Dennis, Lori, Joan, and Jeff - a great group!

May 27, 2022  Vukovar and Osijek, Croatia

    At 0830 we boarded our coach in Vukovar and Osijek.  We stopped at a local's home where we enjoyed a traditional coconut cake, limoncello, cherries, and water.  After a lovely chat, we went outdoors to her colorful garden and sweet dog, Bella.  We then went to Ascension Holy Cross for an amazing concert with Jaimie, a local vocalist.  Her sweet voice gave me chills, especially when she sang Amazing Grace, as well as a beautiful prayer.  We toured Osijek and then returned to the port. Later, after lunch, I walked back into Vukovan to purchase shorts, tee shirts, and magnets.  While in town, I was able to get better pictures of the majestic stork on its nest.  We enjoyed another lovely dinner with Dennis and Lori.

May 28, 2022  Belgrade, Serbia
      Our first day (#10 of our trip) with liquid sunshine and luckily it was not cold!  We took a "Panoramic Belgrade" tour which included walking the grounds of the Kalemegdan Fortress overlooking the confluence of the Danube and Sava Rivers. The fortress had beautiful gates with bullet and cannon ball holes. We toured the Temple of St Sava - the largest Orthodox Christian temple. We stopped in the Square of the Republic to stroll, purchased a few souvenirs, and enjoyed coffee at Starbucks with Gwen and Bruce.  I decided to cancel my bike tour because it was a rainy, very busy Saturday afternoon.  Instead, I caught up on journaling, and then went to a fascinating guest Serbian lecture where I learned so much!  We had another lovely dinner with Dennis and Lori.

May 29, Golubac, Serbia

Today, I took the optional excursion that departed at 0830. We first toured the Golubac Fortress, an imposing fortress built by the Turks during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. Afterward, we rode to Djerdap (Iron Gate) National Park stretching along the Danube River covering 245 sq miles. It is known for the sweeping views of the Iron Gate Gorge (1,174 ft) to the Kovilovo viewpoint.  On the way back we went to the eco-village and stopped at the open-air art gallery of Kapetan Misin Breg where we sampled honey brandy (Rakifa), proja, and fried nettles.  After lunch, we sailed through the Iron Gate Gorge between the Carpathian and Balkan Mountains.  We sailed past the 141- foot carving of King Decebalus.  I attended the special cocktail hour for Viking previous sailers.  During this time, we passed the Iron Gate Dam lock.

May 30, 2022 Vidin Bulgaria

     It's Memorial Day, and we have glorious sunshine and warm temps.  Bulgaria is a highly educated workforce but the poorest country in Europe.  They saved 50,000 Jews during WWII.  We climbed to the top of Belograchik Rocks and Fortress. The fortress was built by the Ottoman conquerors.  We had amazing views climbing over 700 steps, but the trip down was very treacherous! This afternoon I attended the future cruises, but thus far, nothing seemed enticing.  Later, I also attended the port talk with disembarkation details - how can this river cruise almost be over???

May 31, 2022  Russe, Bulgaria
     Departed at 0900 from Russe, Bularia to Arbanasi. During our drive, we stopped for coffee/treats at the Vantra River in an old Greek Style facility. This charming town is rich in history and Greek influence.  We strolled along cobblestone streets, stopping at a little gift shop where I purchased Damascus Rose oil concentrate.  Bulgaria is known for its Damascus Rose oil. We continued on to a beautiful old 1638 cathedral, Nativity Church, which looks like a house because when it was built, the Ottoman Empire Muslims wouldn't allow churches to have steeples, etc.  Afterward, we had a delicious lunch (Lois, Joan, and Jeff) that included traditional Bulgarian dancing.  We then traveled to Veliko Tarnovo where we shopped along Samorridska Charshic, a road lined with local artisans' shops, I purchased a lovely original artwork, and the painter autographed it for me.  What a lovely day!

June 1, 2022 Giurgiu, Romania

     Sadly, we say farewell to the lovely Viking Vidar and sweet staff - Matt, Greta, Peter, and Daniel. At 0830, we boarded the bus for Bucharest. As we are traveling along, we see miles and miles of trucks lined up.  These are Ukrainian trucks passing through Romania on the way to deliver products because Russia has blockaded all the other access roads.  For some truckers, the wait could be up to two days! The Romanians are fabulous neighbors to the Ukrainians opening up to over one million refugees, providing them free public transportation, setting up schools, and offering jobs.  One hysterical moment happened as we stopped for a "Technical Stop" (potty break) along the way.  As all 42 of us hop off the bus into this very small convenience store with only two bathrooms.  The owner asks, "Where are you from?" and one of our fellow travelers says, "The bus"  OY!!!! The owner then replies, "No, which country?"  Mentally, I was willing the person to answer anywhere BUT the USA!  A couple of hours later, we are driving around the city.  We drove around the capital founded in 1859 with the merging of Moldavia and Walachia with wide blvds, Athenaeum (the Arch of Triumph and Palace Parliament (the second-largest civilian building in the world, after the Pentagon).  We walked around Old Town, and had lunch at a local restaurant with traditional entertainment.  The temps were really HOT now (near 90) as we visited the Village Museum.  Finally, we checked into the JW Marriott, Room 575 for a luxurious soak in the rub while Rob showered.  We enjoyed a delicious dinner at Cucina, the Italian restaurant on the property.

June 2, 2022 Bucharest to Transylvania

          Amazing breakfast, grabbed some local currency, and at 0830 we're off to Transylvania with another glorious day of sunshine.  We stored our luggage and took only one bag for our overnight trip.  After an hour's drive, we passed several "Commie Condos" - communist-built apartments changed into much nicer looking condominiums, we stopped at Carrefour (French grocery chain) "Shopping City" for a break.  We strolled the rather large mall and decided that the Romanians have done quite well for themselves in their 33 years post-Communist time.  Back on the bus, we travel through very scenic, Alpine-looking Transylvania.  We stop and tour Peles Castle (summer palace for the Royal Family) in Sinaia.  Next, we have lunch with Ellen and Julie in Sinaia.  Rob and I split a pizza while they had traditional Romanian food.  Rob purchased a small bundle of flowers for me from a local child.  We took pictures in front of the Bank of Transylvania with lots of laughs. Next, we traveled on to Brasov for a tour of the Old Town.  Rob enjoyed Starbucks while I shopped for artwork and Tim's magnet. Then, we checked into Kromwell, a very modern, interestingly designed hotel.  Our lovely room, 1008, had a gorgeous view.  The shower was a challenge to figure out, as well as the lighting and AC, which we really never got cool enough for Rob. Our dinner, in the hotel's restaurant, was fabulous, especially the chocolate souffle! We crashed early because we knew tomorrow would be another full day.

June 3, 2022 - Bascov to Bucharest, Romania

     Once again, the weather (luckily) was incorrect and we awoke to glorious sunshine.  Off we go to Bran Castle, aka Dracula's Castle.  Wow!  Rob trekked about halfway up and decided he'd head back down to enjoy coffee while reading his Kindle.  In the pass off of things from my backpack, he somehow got my phone which I didn't realize until I reached the castle, sooooooo, I had to run back down, grab my phone (camera), and run back up the hill.  As luck would have it, a sweet family stopped me to ask if I would take pictures of them, which of course, I did.  No worries, I reached the entrance just as the tour began.  Rob made a wise decision, as the stairs were narrow, windy,

and dark.  I was ultra-careful! After the tour, I began my power shopping for t-shirts!  The merchants never heckled or nagged.  We enjoyed a delightful lunch at the Gelaterie Bran with the feistiest waitress, Lasqsana.
We asked, "Do you take credit cards?" - her reply - "Maybe."  After taking our order, she said, "See you tomorrow."  She also fussed at Rob saying, "You come all the way to Romania and eat junk food!" (He ordered a Phillie cheese steak. Ellen and Julie joined us for another laughter-filled meal.  On the ride back to Bucharest, it did rain a bit.  We stopped at another "Technical stop" where I took pictures of wild poppies.  Back at the JW Marriott, Room 679, we once again noticed a Nespresso machine in our room.  The time we dined in "The Garden" at the hotel which is a lovely outdoor restaurant where Rob actually ordered the Romanian traditional food, Mititei (Mici) - a grilled minced meat roll. I will make these once we are back home.  They are served with hot mustard. Yum.  Our dessert was a chocolate combo with phyllo dough and raspberry sorbet on the side - delish!  Another long soak in the tub and then bed!

June 4, 2022 Bucharest

     Up early for our 0730 Covid tests, and then off for a leisurely breakfast with my favorite "healthy croissants", honeycomb, fresh fruit, boiled eggs, sausage, and divine illy coffee!  Now, time to catch up on this journal and repack.  Delightful workout at the gym. We enjoyed a splurge dinner at the JW Steakhouse.  A wedding was going on, so we had great people watching. We went to bed early because we had a VERY early wake-up.

June 5, 2022 traveling from Bucharest to home

   Our 0200 wakeup begins our travel time home.  Luggage had to be out at 0230 and we headed to the lobby at 0245.  We depart at 0300 for a short ride to the airport. Our check-in at Air France was very efficient, the plane departed on time, and we had a much better breakfast than our flight over.  We arrive in Paris at 0755 and then, even though we're still in Terminal E, we must go through several halls, escalators, and a train to get to Concourse K, Gate 47. Once there, we have less than an hour until boarding, so I walk around.  Once boarding begins, Sky Priority means nothing!  We line up with the mob.  The plane and staff were awesome! I watched four movies since I couldn't sleep.  We land early, spend no time waiting on Customs, etc. and Robert is there to safely drive us back home.  It was an absolutely perfect trip that we'll always remember.