Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Redington Shores Family Vacation June 13 - 20, 2020

June 13, 2020

Well, we were supposed to be traveling to Cape Canaveral, FL for a family reunion cruise; however, due to Covid-19, the cruise was cancelled.  Lily was devastated, she cried, Zaydie caved, and so a condo was booked at the beach for a week! Short version, we selected Redington Shores so that Meme could spend time with Aunt Sharon in Pinellas Park, FL and the rest of us could stay on the beach.  We left Marietta at 0855 hours on Saturday, January 13th in three cars - Meme, Rob, David and I in one car, Robin, Nancy, and Lily in another, and Ari and Robert on his truck.  The ride was easy, but we did need to do a bit of preplanning since most of the drive thru fast food restaurants were closed.  We found a Cracker Barrel in Valdosta, GA that was open, so we made our lunch stop there. Afterwards, we continued our journey on to Angler's Cove Condominiums in Redington Shores.  After a quick unload to until #302, , Robin and I took Meme to Aunt Sharon's, then dashed to Publix before it closed since all the grocery stores had limited hours.
Robert surprised David, Lily, and Ari with new beach towels, so they all dashed to the beach, until the typical Florida afternoon thunderstorm drove them back into the house.  We ordered pizza for a late dinner, and then everyone collapsed into bed.

June 14, 2020
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, U.S. ARMY!!!!  HAPPY FLAG DAY!  I woke up early, so I enjoyed the quiet and beauty of another typical Florida treat - sunrise. Shortly, Robert Hicks also awake far too early, joined me for coffee on the balcony.  We saw dolphins feeding, people walking, biking, and enjoying the early morning coolness and quiet.  Before too long, it was time for Robin and I to drive over to Largo Golf Course for a round of golf. 

We decided to walk the course, and that proved to be an awesome decision as we enjoyed all the beautiful foliage and creatures unique to Florida.  We save what looked like the Loch Ness Monster moving across the pond with a small sun fish in its mouth. Later, we saw a red beaked bird, that I later identified as a Moorhen. Once back home, we quickly changed into beach attire and headed out to the gorgeous Gulf of Mexico.  The sand was white sugar soft and the water close to bath temperature.  The kids build sand castles, I read, swam, and enjoyed every moment of the glorious day.  Hours later, back at the condo, we spent a quiet afternoon resting. Later, we met my cousin, Steve Gilmore and Maria for a delicious dinner at GiGi's Italian Restaurant.  It was wonderful catching up.  Back at the condo, Robin, Lily, Robert and I hit the beach for pictures at the end of a magnificent sunset.

And another perfect day at the beach ends!

June 15, 2010

Robin and Nancy made a fabulous breakfast this morning - sausage gravy with biscuits, bacon, and eggs.  Delish!

Today, my cousin, Nicole O'Donnell and her family bought tickets to join us at the Clearwater Aquarium.  We all met for the 1330 hours tour.  The kids were so excited to see Winter, the star of Dolphin Tales. Everyone was mesmerized by the dolphins, turtles, and other sea life. 
Once back at the condo, we all  changed into swimsuits and headed to the beach.  Going to the beach at the end of the day is my absolute favorite time to be on a beach.

Finally, it was time to so back to the condo, and have dinner. We ate snacks, leftovers, salads, etc. Another great day!

June 16, 2020

Today, we went back to Clearwater for Encourters with the Dolphins.  Nicole and her family joined us again.  We had the best guides - Alyssa and Brian - who were knowledgeable with a great sense of humor.  We saw several dolphins, spent some time on a cute little island where Nancy found a star fish. On the way back to the dock, we saw two male dolphins trying to get to a baby dolphin.  Alyssa immediately navigated the boat to separate the males from the baby. It was truly amazing.

Back at the condo, it was time to get ready for our mini-family reunion dinner. We all met at BJs in Pinellas Park - Mom, Aunt Sharon, Paula, David, Nicole, Tommy, Nicole, Greg, Nick, Shawn, Gavin, Tarryn, Ari, Robert, Nancy, Robin, David, Lily, Rob and me.  It was so awesome to have everyone assembled  The kids had a great time together. 

We took lots of pictures!

June 17, 2020

Robin and I headed back to Largo Golf Course for our 0800 tee time.  We saw more wild life today - a mama duck with her nine babies, lots of cool birds, and a snake. 
Rob and I then went to meet Pete Dabrowski at the Columbia Cuban Restaurant in Clearwater for lunch.  It was so great to see Pete and get caught up. 
Tonight we had dinner at Seabreeze, a local restaurant, with THE BEST seafood.  Everyone loved his/her meal.  My coconut shrimp was fabulous! 

Afterwards, we all went to Smugglers Cove for miniature golf.

June 18, 2020

Happy Birthday, Ari!  Today, we went to Nancy and Robin's for waffles, bacon, fruit, eggs, and mimosas.  Everyone spent the day enjoying the beach until it was time to get ready to go out to the American Legion to celebrate Ari's 38th birthday. Rob and I went to pick up Mom and Aunt Sharon to take out to dinner to celebrate.  We dined out on the boat dock as the sun was setting.  The temperature was perfect and we all had a lovely evening. 

We went back to the condo for cake.

Ari opened his gifts, and then Rob and I took Mom and Aunt Sharon back to Pinellas Park.

June 19, 2020

Wow, our last full day at the beach. Robin and I played golf one last time at Largo, then back to our places to gather everyone for breakfast at Robin and Nancy's.  This time, they created the most delicious French toast.
  It was a wonderful breakfast. Back at the condo, I helped Ari with his Political Science quiz until 4:00 PM when I  wanted to head to the beach for a final "beach" fix.  Eventually,  Ari and Robert came out to spend the last few hours on the beach. 

Reluctantly, we all finally went back to the condo for pizza and leftovers.  Then, it it was time pack for our return trip home.  Sad.

June 20, 2020

On the road again, after picking up Meme from Aunt Sharon's, we started our drive back to Atlanta. Luckily, the road wasn't too crowded and we made good time to the same Cracker Barrel in Valdosta that we had stopped at on the way home.  Lily rode with us on the first half of the way home, but then she rode the remainder of the trip with her mom, because she and David were spending the night at Dan's.  We arrived back home at 1800 hours, smiling after an awesome week at the beach, visiting with family, and simply enjoying "normal" during this crazy pandemic.  Life is good!