Friday, August 16, 2019

David's Dream Becomes a Reality, Aug 8 - 10, 2019

August 8, 2019

So, David's10th birthday present, a trip to see the Pittsburgh Steelers play in Heinz Field, changed from a dream to a reality when Zaydie, Bubbie, and David headed to Atlanta Airport to board our Southwest Flight!
While going through TSA,  we met this super nice lady, from Pittsburgh who immediately struck up a conversation with David, who of course, was decked out in Steelers' attire.  Well, it turns out she was on our flight, and continued to give us pointers about things to do in Pittsburgh!  After an uneventful flight in record time, we landed at the Pittsburgh airport while rain poured down! 
But, by the time we walked out of the terminal, the sun was shining, and we boarded our Lyft ride to our hotel, Drury Plaza on Grant Avenue.  Once again, we had a very nice driver who gave us more pointers on places to see. After checking into our hotel (Room 319), we unpacked, and decided that Zaydie would take a nap while David and I headed up to check out the hotel's indoor swimming pool.  David swam for a while, then we took a stroll to find the subway station for tomorrow's adventures.  On our walk back, we stopped to admire some of the city's beautiful architecture.
We took Lyft, and again had a great driver who made some recommendations for tomorrow.  He also told us that his dad retired from the Devoe Shipyard where my dad had trained  during World War II. We arrived at  Jerome Bettis' 36 Grille for our 7:00 PM dinner reservations!
While enjoying dinner, our server, George, kept asking David Steeler trivia questions because we told him that David was a walking Wikipedia of Steeler information.  David answered every question correctly, so at the end of our dinner, George told David that Jerome Bettis (who actually lives in Atlanta) has a "Man Cave" in the restaurant and would David like to see it?  David just about dumped over the table hopping up to take advantage of this amazing offer.  We were included in the invite, so off we went.  Way cool!  I especially enjoy enjoyed the picture of Jerome and Tiger Woods.  Apparently, Jerome beat Tiger in a round of golf!

Afterwards, we took a walk along the river because it was a beautiful evening.  This was an absolutely amazing dinner that we'll always remember!

August 9, 2019
   And today begins THE DAY OF ALL DAYS!  We enjoyed an amazing breakfast buffet at the Drury Plaza, and then Bubbie and David started walking towards the Strip District, about four blocks away. This area of Pittsburgh is known for all the street vendors selling Pittsburgh sports memorabilia.
We shopped around this great section, buying lots of Pittsburgh Steelers' stuff, and then finally took a Lyft over to the Cargnegie Science Center.
 We spent four hours at the Sportswork and Carnegie Sciene Center.  After we enjoyed lunch there, we took the free subway system back to our hotel for a short rest to recharge my phone for tonight.

And, we're off to the main event.  We arrived at Heinz Field early, so we had some time to explore.

Next, we tried some of Pittsburgh's famous grilled chicken on a stick which was absolutely delicious.
David also had his face painted.
  Finally, we were allowed into Heinz field for our tour. We had special passes and had a very small group for our private tour.  We walked down to the field where the teams were warming up.  We watched the Pittsburgh kickers practice for a while.  David actually picked up the football that Chris Brazwell, #9, kicked between the goal posts, and threw it back to him!

Seriously, you would have thought David touched the Hope Diamond!  It is a once in a life time moment. We were able to actually stand on Heinz field which is really four layers of golf course quality grass.

Then we moved onto the Press Area.

 As we were walking there, David walked on the track where the players walk from the locker room.  One of the Tampa Bay players chased him, just messing with him.
 Had we realized how many times we would watch the Instant Replay during the game.  We would have viewed the Instant Replay Room a lot longer. Heinz Field really is amazing!
David had me take his picture in front of all six Super Bowl  trophies that Pittsburgh has won!

Then, the game finally started.  I honestly felt that Rob and I were the only folks in the stadium NOT wearing Steelers' clothing.  The fans are amazingly loyal!  Well, the game was a nail biter, but Pittsburgh did win, 30 - 28!

Final Note:  On the plane ride home, David leaned against me and said, "Bubbie, this trip was better than Disney and a cruise put together." No words needed.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Minnesota for David's 10th Birthday

July 8, 2019

Off we go to Minnesota for David's "double digit" 10th birthday.  Robin and Jim pick us up after a very wonderful trip since we were complimentary upgraded to Delta Comfort.  We check in to the AmericInn after a few hugs from Lily and David.

July 9, 2019

Happy Birthday, David!  Lily and David came over to our hotel where we all swam in the indoor pool.  In no time, we needed to get ready for the big event at the WOW zone. We all caravanned over to join up with the Bergs, Barbara and Lyle, Bernice, Rita, Don, Lori, Peter, Jane, and of course all of us.  We enjoyed pizza and drinks, then the opening of the gifts began.  Our gift to David was opened last, because it was a HUGE surprise.  Weeks earlier, Nancy and Jim bought David a portable basketball hoop for his birthday, so I asked him, "Well, what are Zaydie and I supposed to get you?" to which he replied, "A football field!" David opened the first envelope in his gift bag, which read "Heinz Field".  I reminded David that he had asked for a football field.  He still didn't understand, so he opened the next envelope which read "August 9th".  Still puzzled, he opened the next envelope that said, "Section W, 195, Seat 8". At this point, he thought that he was going to see the Pittsburgh Steelers in Atlanta.  Finally, he understood that he was going to see his favorite team play their opening season game in Pittsburgh and HE WENT BALISTIC!

Afterwards, Lily opened her gift that said Bubbie, her mom, Nancy, Lily, and David would be going to Disney in October.  Another reason to go crazy!!
  After the gift opening, we bowled, the kids played video games, and we all played glow in the dark golf.

July 10, 2019

It's a "girls' day" as Nancy, Robin, Lily, and I head out to Chanhausen Dinner Theater, the nation's largest professional dinner theatre company, to see "Mama Mia".
We had amazing seats, dinner was delicious, and the production was superb!  After an afternoon rest, we headed out to Jane and Peter's for a fish fry.  As always, they did not disappoint!
We really had an amazing time!  Minnesota Nice!

July 11, 2019
   After a relaxing breakfast, I drove into town to explore, while Rob rested.  St Peter is a wonderful small town to explore!  I purchased a few treasures to take back home, then returned to the AmericInn to work on some needlework before Nancy arrived with Rita to escort us to Don and Lori's new campground residence for a Minnesota hot dog cookout!  It was a fabulous evening on Lake Lura!
After our cookout, we all took a stroll along Lake Lura.  It was so relaxing and beautiful!
And another Minnesota day ends!

July 12, 2019
  Nancy and I rode to today's destination of New Ulm, the setting for the movie, "New in Town".  What a really, really cute little town full of charm.  We ventured in and out of several little stores, and the town's THREE quilt stores!  Yes, I supported the  local economy!

It was a wonderful day that ended with everyone meeting at The Landings for a wonderful "last supper" in MN.

July 13, 2019

Thanks, Nancy and Jim for driving your ATL family to the airport for our flights home.  Robin and the kids left on Southwestern, while Rob and I flew home on Delta.  We all met up at the ATL airport and drove home together.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Kleimon Celebration Cruise 2019

June 8, 2019
   And, we're off!  David, Lily, Zaydie and Bubbie drove from Marietta, GA to Orlando, FL to meet Rich, Rachelle, and Connor at the Comfort Suites to begin our official Kleimon vacation. Zaydie took a nap while David and Lily swam as Rich and Lana visited.  We all went to Fish on Fire for delicious seafood.

June 9, 2019
   Everyone met in the breakfast area before heading to Port Canaveral. After a speedy check in, we headed to the Windjammer for lunch.

After lunch, we went to our Cabin, unpacked, settled in while waiting for the storm to pass.  Next, we participated in the Safety Drill, then took the kids for sign up in the Adventure Club.  David and Lily decided they were starving, so we opted to let them have an early dinner and check into the Adventure Club.  The rest of the group met for our 8:15 time in the main dining room. The old folks picked up David and Lily from the AC and headed to bed, while the younger folks checked out the clubs.

June 10, 2019
  Cocoa Cay, Bahamas. Off we went to our first excursion, the newly opened water park, "A Perfect Day at Cocoa Cay."
 David and Lily immediately set their goal to go down the largest slide in North America.  They started with the smallest slide (still pretty high up in my opinion) and gradually worked up to The Dragon's Peak.  So, they patiently waited for over an hour, creeping up to the top, only to have thunder stop the ride.  Down they came, but they waited at the bottom of the steps to be first in line when the storm passed, which it did.  And, up they went again, this time the creep only took 45 minutes.  They rode it!
 While they loved the adventure, they weren't willing to wait in the long line again, so they visited the wave pool and other rides.  Yep, I would bet they did think it was a perfect day.
   Back on board, once again David and Lily were starving, so they had an early dinner and checked into the AC. After dinner, we went to the amazing Ice Show!  Soooooo fantastic.  David enjoyed it, but sweet Lily slept through it.

June 11, 2019
   Day at Sea!  Love, love, love these days at sea.  We slept in, had breakfast, then checked Lily and David into the AC.  I worked out at the gym, then worked on embroidery while enjoyed our relaxing balcony. After AC. we enjoyed pool time, ice cream (of course), and then, you guessed it, another early dinner, followed by the AC.  After dinner, we all attended Grease, which was fabulous!

June 12, 2019
   St. Thomas, USVI. We docked around noon, and headed to the dock for our excursion ride.

We rode to Cas Cay and kayaked, hiked, and snorkeled. The weather was magnificent, the scenery beautiful, and we really enjoyed our excursion.

Unfortunately, our photographer did not capture our day sufficiently.  BUT, we'll always have our memories!

We took a quick detour into town where Rich did some SERIOUS jewelry shopping in honor of Rachelle's upcoming birthday, while David and Lily enjoy sodas and the rest of us enjoyed rum punch.
Sonny, at Alpha Jewelers took VERY good care of us, providing a taxi back to the ship with minutes to spare.  SCORE!
Tonight's Aqua Show, "The Fine Line" was incredible.  David and Lily were in the splash zone and truly had not a dry thread after the show.  After a quick change, they went to the AC and we went to dinner.  Another great day!

June 13, 2019
St Maartin/St Marten. David and Lily decided to spend the morning at the AC while the rest of us dashed into town for a little shopping.

Mission accomplished, so we headed back to ship for a quick lunch, ward robe change, and to head off to our next excursion, horseback riding at Lucky Stables.  Our guide, Remi, was amazing! We had sooooo much fun riding up to the top of the hill, looking out at the lagoon, then riding our horses back to the beach for an ocean ride.

We had such an amazing time! Loved our horseback riding. After a quick clean up, David and Lily stayed with Zaydie while Bubbie went to the Diamond Lounge for an hour of quiet. Then we all dressed for dinner.
Didn't we clean up well?

June 14, 2018

Another fabulous day at sea!  After sleeping in, we enjoyed breakfast in the Windjammer, then David and Lily were off to the AC. I had an appointment at Future Cruises, but also had enough time to work out at the gym, take a nice walk on the deck, and grab a quick lunch with Rob, Rich and Rachelle. At Future Cruise, arrangements were made for another Kleimon Celebration Cruise in 2020 on the Harmony of the Seas.  Formal nigh tonight, and don't we look awesome?!

June 15, 2019

Our last full day.  Sigh.  Such a fabulous cruise. BUT, today we need to accomplish all our "want tos" such as checking out our pictures, riding the "Rising Tide Bar" and riding The Abyiss one more time.
So, David and Lily went with Aunt Rachelle, Uncle Rich, and Connor to play a bit of ping pong, as well as eat pizza and ice cream.