Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Equinox Cruise - 2017

February 9, 2017
    Dan drove us to the airport for our noon departure to Fort Lauderdale.  Smooth, easy flight!  We should have taken Uber from the airport to our hotel, but instead got royally ripped off by Yellow Taxi, who charged $41.00 for a ride that Uber only charged $10.38!  Live and learn.
   We arrived at The Mint in Hollywood Beach around 1400 hours.  Rob took a nap while I strolled the beach. Awwwwww - Bliss!
Jim Anderson and Cathy picked us up at 1800 hours for our dinner reservations at a cute, local place, "Jimbo's Sandbar Grill" on the Intra-Coastal.  We ate outdoors, catching up on ten years worth of events.  Lovely!

February 10, 2017
     The sweet young manager, Joi, at The Mint helped me with our first Uber ride!  What a delightful switch from Yellowcab. 
    We easily checked in at our Celebrity "Elite" counter.  Note - the agent looked at my passport picture and commented how much my haircut had improved!
    Once on board, we had lunch on Deck 14, and then enjoyed a cappuccino while waiting for our room to be ready around 1315 hours.  Love, love, love Cabin 8232.  Rob then took a nap while I checked out the pool area!  I read, made a few calls, and then returned to our room for the Life Boat Drill.
    Afterwards, we unpacked and prepared for our first delish dinner at Table 115!

February 11, 2017
   First day at sea!  It was a bit chilly so we opted to sip coffee and read/do needle work at the Café al Bacio Bar.  After lunch, I worked out and Rob napped.  We attended the show "Life" which included very talented performers.  This was our first formal night!  Later, Rob had his coffee while enjoyed a chocolate martini.

February 12, 2017
     Second day at sea.  We've been setting our alarm for 0900 and enjoying a buffet breakfast.  Our new routine is to head back to the Café Al Bacio Bar for delicious coffee and relaxation.  Today, I got in my cardio by walking on the track.  I did pause to enjoy the poolside line dancing class, then walked to the gym to complete my workout.  The gym is absolutely gorgeous with plenty of equipment.
   We enjoyed lunch by the window and then retreated to our balcony for some sun time.  I learned NOT to put my key next to my Kindle as it de-magnetizes the key.  Slow learner, as I'm on my third key!
   The "Beatles" impersonation show was excellent.  As always, our dinner was superb!

February 13, 2017

St. Thomas - :) Rained a bit, but then the sun came out, so we shopped!  Rob purchased a gorgeous bracelet for me at our favorite jewelers, Alpha.  While the bracelet was being sized and my ring re-rhrodiumed, we strolled over to the Harley Davidson Store to buy t-shirts for our Arizona family. Then we enjoyed ice coffees and took advantage of the wifi to check our emails.  Back on the ship, we enjoyed lunch by the pool.  After coffee in Rob's favorite bar, we sat on the balcony for the sail off.  After dinner, we enjoyed drinks in the Ensemble Bar.

February 14, 2017

St Kitts - We did a little shopping for t-shirts and magnets.  We returned to the ship and spent some pool time reading.  After an awesome show, we enjoyed chatting with the sweet couple sitting next to us in the dining room, that we thought were Italian.  Actually, they're Canadian.  We had a good laugh!  Since it was Valentine's Day, all the ladies received a beautiful red rose. To top off a perfect evening, we enjoyed gelato for dessert.

February 15, 2017

Barbados - Around 11:00 AM we left the ship and strolled around the very sad downtown.  Interesting trivia, Barbados bans/fines outdoor smoking and camouflaged clothing. After a short while, we returned to the ship.  Rob went back for coffee, and I went to the terminal for the free wifi.  I helped two sweet "older" buys get on the Internet.  After lunch, we went to the I-Lounge to complete the paperwork for luggage valet service.

February 16, 2017

St. Maarten - We enjoyed a quiet morning in the dining room enjoying a leisurely breakfast, then sipped coffee in the Café Al Baclio Bar.  I attended the Port Shopping talk while Rob continued to read.   We arrived into this lovely port around 2:00 PM as we enjoyed lunch on Deck 14. After lunch, I went out to town via the water taxi. I bought a few gifts, saw a HUGE Harley Davidson rally next to our ship.  I found the perfect Philip Stein watch, returned to the ship, and headed to Deck 15 to watch the sun set.  And, another glorious day ends.

February 17, 2017

We enjoyed breakfast in the dining room with a charming couple from Boston.  Since we spent the night docked in St. Maarten, Rob and I went back out together.  We stopped at Diamonds International where Rob bought me the watch I had admired.  While I was completing the watch transaction, Rob strolled around the store looking at all of the gorgeous jewelry.  He pulled me over to look at the most beautiful Ammonite pendant which is mined in Alberta, Canada. After some haggling, Rob made the purchase.  While I was downloading my email on the free wifi, Rob started negotiating on a pair of matching earrings.  YIKES!!!! When we finally left, he had also purchased a pendant, two pair of earrings as gifts, as well as an assortment of charms and two charm bracelets.  Get this man out of this store!  We returned to the coffee bar for iced coffees, then back to the room for Rob's nap and my needlework on the balcony.  We enjoyed a late lunch while watching a sea turtle emerge over and over again from the beautiful Caribbean Sea!  Back we went to the coffee bar for some quiet instrumental music while sipping cappuccino.  Later, I watched us sail away and then headed off to Shabbat services.  I was truly impressed with the lovely services performed from fellow passengers.  Shabbat Shalom.

February 18, 2017

Relaxing day at sea!  After breakfast, I went to the gym while Rob sipped coffee and read.  I then spent a few hours working on needlework while watching the world go by our balcony.  We enjoyed a delicious lunch in the main dining room with "Ricky Martin", Lisa and Jasmine.  I attended the High Tea at 1500 hours in the Blu.  I finished reading Boys in the Boat - how very fitting - as the sun set.  Life is good!

February 19, 2017

Breakfast in the dining room with a charming couple, Bob and Julie, from Baltimore.  Rob enjoyed coffee while I rode the recumbent bike in the gym next to Lee Hilton, a very fascinating man who told great WWII stories.  After lunch, we packed, and then watched the last "sea" sunset for this cruise.  We enjoyed another fabulous show before dinner, which was awesome, as usual.  I really, really enjoyed my amazing Grand Mariner Soufflé - yummmmmm!  We slept well on our last evening of this wonderful cruise.

February 20, 2017

We opted to have our "last breakfast" in the dining room.  After this, it's back to reality.  Before leaving the ship, we downloaded our Mobile Passport app which made disembarking a snap!  Farewell Celebrity Equinox, you were fabulous!