Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Rob's 70th Celebration in Greece and Italy

October 5, 2017

It was worth every Delta Skymile to travel business class from Atlanta to Rome.  We were on a very comfortable Airbus with fully reclining seats.
We arrived in Rome the next day well rested and ready to begin our adventure.

October 6, 2017

After a bit of a wait, our driver took us from the airport to the little port town of Civitavecchia where we stayed in a charming B&B La Corte degli Ulivi.

  Franco, the sweet, helpful owner suggested that we have dinner at his friend's restaurant, Aqua.  His friend picked us up at the B&B, took us to the restaurant, and then returned us back to our home away from home.  Both of our pasta dishes were delicious!

October 7, 2017

We enjoyed a relaxing morning, then Franco's brother took us to the cruise terminal where we boarded Royal Caribbean's Jewel of the Sea, Stateroom 7094.  Our balcony is HUGE!! 

Truly, one could practice ballroom dancing with no problem. Robert quickly located a coffee bar where he would spend many happy hours.  Also, on the 13th floor, we found the Diamond Lounge which we may now enjoy since we've reached Diamond status.  Our cute cabin gal is Julia Barankina from Romania.

October 8, 2017

Today, we arrived in Messina, Sicily with sunny, gorgeous weather. (Take too long to upload pictures on the ship, so pictures will be added later)  We boarded our comfortable bus, destination Mt. Aetna.  The ride was lovely; however, we were dismayed to see the amount of trash thrown along the roadside.  We walked along one of the craters, inactive, of course, and we could see Mt. Aetna clearly spewing smoke into the perfectly clear sky.

Afterwards, we rode to the adorable little town of Taormina, where we window shopped and also enjoyed cappuccinos with grilled ham/cheese sandwiches.

I also treated myself to a delicious mint chocolate chip gelato!

October 9, 2017

Happy 87th Birthday, Meme!  We arrived in Valletta, Malta to once again, crystal blue skies and perfect temperatures.  Our bus tour took us along the city, then to the very colorful port of Montedaska, then on the blue grotto, and back through the town.

We had a bit of a challenge getting back onto the cruise ship, some how all of our bus' passengers turned right, instead of left! Back on the ship, I spent the afternoon reading by the pool.

October 10, 2017

A day at sea is typically blissful, just like today.  We slept in, enjoyed lots of quiet time, naps, time by the pool, and relaxation at its best.  Good thing we both loaded lots of books on our Kindles!

October 11, 2017

Mykonos, Greece is exactly how one would picture a gorgeous Greek Island.  We were tendered to the shore where we roamed the seemingly endless streets lined with merchants, coffee shops, and restaurants.

  The buildings are all white with beautiful domed tops, and colorful doors.  The gentle breeze from the Aegean Sea kept us comfortable as we explored the island.  Rob went back to the ship after an hour or so, but I continued visiting all the "tourist highlights" such as the windmills, the various monasteries, little Venice, and Paradise Beach.  No wonder, Jackie O. loved this island!

October 12, 2017

Santorini, Greece is beyond description.  As you approach the island, it looks as if the top is covered in snow, but instead, it is the entirely white building town.  The two options to reach the top are to travel by cable car, or climb the donkey path, which the cruise director highly discouraged!  Luckily, we had an excursion which took us by tender to the other side of the island where you simply stepped onto the dock!  We then took a bus around curvy hairpin turns to the top where we visited Santos Winery, which had an amazing view.

We sampled some wine - white was okay, red was good, and the dessert wine was awful!  Back on the bus, we traveled, VERY SLOWLY, due to traffic, to the town of Oia where Mama Mia was filmed.  The white buildings with blue domes made a truly majestic setting against the cloudless blue sky.  We shopped a bit, Rob bought me a gorgeous pendant, and then I enjoyed a delicious mint gelato. Our bus made better time traveling to the town where we took the cable car back to the tender, but the line was VERY long.  Luckily, we were on a Royal Caribbean excursion, or we would have missed the sailing.  The cable car ride was actually quite fun.  Rob would say that this was his least favorite excursion, but I'm glad that we didn't miss the beautiful scenery!

October 13

Athens, Greece.  Since we had already seen the antiquities of the city, we decided to take an excursion to Ancient Corinth, which turned out to be Rob's favorite excursion.  The bus trip took a little over one hour to reach Corinth.  We stopped next to the Corinth canal to see the view from the top.  Then, we traveled to the ruins of Corinth.  Today's guide was truly an expert in Greek history and kept us all captivated.

We stood in the spot, bema, where the disciple Paul delivered several sermons.
He showed us the evidence that Jews also lived in the area.  We strolled briefly through the little town, then traveled to the area where we boarded our cruise boat for the Corinth canal.

Once again, we had beautiful weather which made for a perfect day!

October 14, 2017

Another restful day at sea, although we did have to spend a portion of our day packing for tomorrow's disembarkation. We read most of the day, in fact, I spent the entire afternoon on our balcony.  Oh, how I love watching the water.
We completed the paperwork to leave the ship early, enjoyed a delicious dinner, and then watched the show which was a Celine Dion sound-alike named Tracey Ridge.  She actually had a fabulous voice and the show was a great way to end our cruise.

October 15, 2017

Naples, Italy.  We're still marveling about how easy it was to disembark the ship.  Luckily, we had a porter who knew exactly where to take us, and our luggage, to meet our driver, Joseph.  I was concerned that we might have to wait a bit, since it was 8:30 and we had arranged to meet at 9:00, but there he was, early!  By 8:40 we were traveling to Sorrento.  Joseph pointed out beautiful areas as we traveled along, and we actually stopped a couple of times to enjoy the view.  By 10:30, we were at our Hotel, Plazzo Guardati.  Unfortunately, our room was not ready, but the hotel manager suggested that we go to the roof top for cappuccino, which of course, we did.  This sweet gentleman delivered our cappuccino while we relaxed and admired the view.  As we were leaving, a lady stopped me to tell me how much she liked my watch.  I thanked her, and told her that the watch was purchased here a few years ago.  She then told me that she and her husband were the owners of Capri Watches, the manufacturer of my watch!  What a very small world.

The Stewarts were traveling to Sorrento, so we decided to shop for Rob's wallet, which he found almost immediately!  So, we then decided to find a place for lunch since our room would not be ready until 1:30.  We enjoyed a wonderful lunch with great people watching opportunities!  When we returned to the hotel, our room was ready, so we unpacked.  The Stewarts arrived soon after, and Rob took a nap, while we shopped for treasures.

After showers, we went out for drinks at the luxurious Vitoria Excelsior Hotel, and then a fabulous dinner at Da Ginna's, where Rob enjoyed a huge veal scallopini, and I shared salad/pizza with Teri.

October 16, 2017

Sorrento - Happy Birthday, nephew, David.  And, we're off to Capri. Rob was not very happy about the steps and challenging walk to the ferry terminal.  Sorry, Rob.  We then boarded another boat for the tour around the island, including the Blue Grotto.
Unfortunately, the wait to get into the Blue Grotto was two hours, so we opted to change boats to return to Capri.  We rode the funicular to the top, and enjoyed another fabulous meal at Al Capri.  Next, we rode the local bus to Ana Capri where we shopped, strolled, and eventually rode a cable car (since rider only) to the very top of Ana Capri.  The views were stunning.

After a rather long wait for very crowded buses, we opted to take a convertible taxi back to Capri.  Best 20 Euro ever spent!  We went into the original Watches of Capri store where Rob spoiled me with another gorgeous watch!

We decided to drink red wine that Alan brought from Castalina in our lovely hotel's sitting area.  Thank you, Alan, for the wonderful treat! Rob took a short nap, while we sipped wine and looked at pictures.  Everyone then walked down to the Red Lion for yet another delicious meal!

October 17, 2017

Pompeii, Italy.  We opted to hire a private guide for our tour of Pompeii which proved to be a very wise decision.  Salvatore was full of information regarding the ruins of Pompeii. 
We marveled at the roads with the marble "reflectors" as well the chariot tracks, the "fast food" restaurants with the ridges of the sliding doors, and most fascinating were the various baths and drainage systems.

Once back in Sorrento, we enjoyed lunch, then Rob napped while I shopped.  Two purses later, I returned to the hotel.  We decided to enjoy drinks at our "swanky" place again, and then dined at

October 18, 2017

The Amalfi Coast!!!!  A more majestic drive I can't imagine.

We stopped in Poisitana, Amalfi, and then Ravello for a lunch like we'll probably never experience again in our lives.  We had a cozy outdoor table for two with a breath-taking view of the entire area.  The ravioli were the best we have ever eaten, along with a fantastic tiramisu.  Did I mention that Rob had a cappuccino in every city we visited?  Our weather was "chamber of commerce" and the day was one we'll always remember!

October 19, 2017

Travel day - sadly, we say farewell to Sorrento, as Joseph drives us to Civatevecchia.  We stop for a quick lunch at a "truck stop" along the Autostrade.  The sweet server gives us an extra croissant.  I suppose we must look hungry.  We arrive again at our cute B&B where Franco escorts us to our rooms.  Rob takes a nap, while Teri, Alan, and I enjoy another bottle of the delicious wine Alan purchased while in Castalina.

We share a van with two other delightful couples who will also be on our cruise.  Jurgen and Angelica are from Berlin, Germany.  Susan and Jamie are from Van Couver, Canada.  Everyone enjoys another delicious dinner at Aqua before returning to our B&B.

October 20, 2017

 This morning, all of us eat breakfast together before heading to the ship.  Franco's brother has to take us couple by couple to the cruise terminal because his car is small, AND we have lots of luggage!  Quickly, we process onto our lovely "home away from home" Celebrity's Reflection.

After a short wait and coffee, we can settle into our new Stateroom on the 11th floor, Cabin 1648, with a very competent attendant, Benedict.  We join the Stewarts for lunch as we wait for our luggage.  Once it arrives, I unpack us just in time for the lifeboat drill.  Then we rest a while, before getting ready for our first happy hour and dinner.  We decide to opt for the main seating at 8:15 pm, as well as changing tables to #227.  Off we go to explore sunny Spain.

October 21, 2017

Day at Sea!  Breakfast, relaxing coffee, Beyond the Podium lecture on the history of Spain, lunch, gym time, naps, happy hour, and dinner. Our sweet servers, Adash and Arush take excellent care of us at dinner.  Love our days at sea!

October 22, 2017

Barcelona, Spain.  Today we have a four hour tour called City of Barcelona. We notice NO demonstrations in this city as the residents of Catelonia have just voted for their independence.  So, we enjoy our bus trip, especially when Rob grabbed the lady's leg behind his seat while looking for his arm rest.  Luckily, she has a great sense of humor, and teased him about getting fresh.  Then, as we go to view La Sagrada Familia cathedral, Rob tries to hold hands with Teri, thinking it was me!  He was horrified as we all enjoyed a great laugh.  Back to this "Sacred Family" cathedral designed by Antoni Gaudi, a very famous Spanish architect.  It can best be described as "unique".  It has been in construction for over 100 years with hopes of its completion in 2026. We also walked through the city's historic area, saw the 600-year old Gothic-style cathedral of St. Eulalia.

Unfortunately, it was Sunday, and the majority of the stores were closed.  Rob and I enjoyed a cappuccino on Las Rambla where the locals held their typical Sunday tapas open-air market, along with traditional Catelonian dancing/music. Back on the ship, we had lunch.  Then Rob took his retirement nap, while I found the perfect poolside lounge to read, sip a Miami Vice, and relax.  I watched Royal Caribbean's, Freedom of the Seas, sail away with fond memories of our previous cruise with David and Lily a couple of years ago. We've decided that our favorite happy hour bar will be The Martini Bar since they do make the best martinis.  Dinner was delicious as always.  Tonight we had lamb inside of phyllo dough pastry, with a warm centered chocolate lava cake for dessert.

October 23, 2017

Cartagena, Spain.  Today, we had another excursion, Cartagena City Tour where we explored one of Spain's oldest cities.  The history of the city dates back to 223 BC, leading to an eclectic culture with roots in Roman, Muslim, and Arab traditions.  We visited the Punic Wall, Carthaginian age ruins, as well as the original foundation of the city.  We especially enjoyed the Roman Theater, where Rob found a buddy!

During our free time, we enjoyed a traditional Spanish type lunch with various tapas, such as cheese, almonds, ham, fried calamari, bread, and of course, Sangria!
Rob opted to walk back to the cruise terminal, while Alan completed the excursion, and Teri and I explored the charming little city with gorgeous sidewalks.  We made a couple of make up purchases, then the stores began to close for the typical siesta time, 2:30 - 4:00 pm.  We must keep this in mind on future excursions.  As we returned to the ship, we walked through a little Spanish flea market, but, surprisingly, made no purchases! As always, we concluded our evening with happy hour and a fabulous dinner.

October 24,

Malaga, Spain.  Rob and I are truly enjoying our "perfect spot" for breakfast in the Blu Café.  This morning, we watched the sun rise while dining.  Today's excursion, Malaga City Tour - small group, was indeed a mini-bus with about 20 passengers.  We enjoyed discovering Spain's Costa del Sol, capital, founded in the 8th century by Phoenicians. This city boasts an eclectic range of styles and traditions, from broad thoroughfares to Gothic architecture.  We drove to the top of the city for a spectacular view of the city.  Next we visited another  Roman theater, and then walked over to Pablo Picasso's home.  We toured the city cathedral, known locally as La Manquita.  Afterwards, we strolled a while, then enjoyed a Coasta coffee.  Rob went back to the ship on the mini-bus, but Teri, Alan, and I opted to stroll, shop, and enjoy a tapas lunch, where I had some of the best sangria that I've ever sipped!  After a few purchases, Teri and Alan enjoyed a pastry as we began our stroll back to the ship.  Along a most gorgeous promenade, we kept hearing these VERY loud birds, BUT we couldn't see them.  Finally, Alan noticed that the reason we didn't quickly see these birds was their bright green colors that camouflaged them into the palm trees.  Seriously, these birds looked like parakeets on steroids!  Our walk also took us along the very beautiful beach.

Walking through the duty-free terminal, Teri spotted a sun glass shop and encouraged Alan to look for "blue" sun glasses to replace a pair he used to own.  Well, these Roberto sunglasses, billed specifically as the official sun glasses of Costa del Sol, were the lightest sunglasses I've ever put on my face!  All three of us bought a pair from the cutest, sweetest sales girls in Spain, well, at least in Malaga.  Returning to the ship after our nice walk back, we all remarked how much we've enjoyed our last two ports.  Nap time, balcony time, happy hour (with our newly purchased Spanish almonds), and another delicious dinner concluded another perfect day in sunny Spain.

October 25, 2017

Thank goodness for days at sea!  I desperately needed to update this travel blog.  So, after breakfast, leisurely coffee, including reading and needlework, Beyond the Podium history talk on conflicts in the Mediterranean, I am finally spending some time journaling while Rob reads/naps.  Last night, it was VERY foggy, so around 3:00 AM the crew kept sounding the fog horn about every five minutes.  I finally got up to check out why this was happening, and I can honestly say that the fog was so thick that I couldn't see over our balcony! The remainder of the afternoon was spent at the gym and then reading on our beautiful balcony.  After our happy hour with the delicious new Spanish almonds we purchased in Malaga, we enjoyed dinner, followed by dancing in the atrium with our new buddies, Jamie, Susan, Jurgen, and Angelica.  Happy that we get an extra hour to sleep, we head off to our room around midnight!

October 26, 2017

Tenerife, Canary Islands.  We met a delightful couple, Tom and Chris, in the Blu restaurant this morning, who happen to own a vineyard in Bucks County, PA. All of us are going on the wine excursion today, so we had plenty to discuss. Today's driver and guide, both named Carlos, took great pride in sharing their island.  We took off to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of La Laguna, where we first stopped at the market.  Alan happened to find a fabulous nut section, tucked away in the corner, so we restocked our supply of delicious Spanish nuts.  Back outside, I happened to spot two groups of school kids having lunch, which of course, tugged at my teacher heart strings! We then enjoyed a guided walk from Plaza del Adelantado towards the church of Santa Catarina, where we saw two convents.  The guide explained to us that the young girls were watching us from the tower.  They could see us, but we couldn't see them, so he had us wave to them. We also went inside one of the famous libraries, to see the gorgeous courtyard, and then off to see another lovely courtyard inside the government building.  It was a charming stroll through the little town. Then, we journeyed to the northeasterns area of Tenerife, known for its outstanding wines.   We visited Bodegas Alvaro, and La Casa del Vino, a wine museum located in a 17th century house.  Tenerife does not export any wine, and we certainly understand why!

Back on the ship, Teri and I turned in our forms for duty free tax refunds, and then dashed off the ship for last minute shopping opportunities. After our routine happy hour and dinner, we all joined the Canadians and Germans for "silent disco dancing" on deck 15.  What fun!  Everyone wears headphones with three different selections of music, so you might be dancing to one number while your partner is dancing to something entirely different.  Good thing we had an extra hours sleep again, for we danced the night away!

October 27, 2017

Today we began our seven day stretch at sea!  Luckily, Rob and I woke up early enough to enjoy our favorite breakfast place, Blu.  The French Toast is the best I've ever tasted.  Next, we enjoyed coffee until Alan and I went off to the Beyond the Podium history lecture on the Roman Empire!  Rob had returned to the room, so I went to the gym and then to the Future Cruise lecture. We had lunch on deck 14, then went back to enjoy time on our balcony.  Happy hour with our delicious Spanish nuts, dinner, and then dancing on Deck 3.  Tonight's music wasn't too great, but, as always, the people watching was outstanding!

October 28, 2017

We're getting our sea days routine set.  We have a wake-up call for 0800 hours since our phones are useless as the ship arbitrarily makes up the six time zones we must readjust to before reaching Fort Lauderdale on Friday.  Our breakfasts are always at Blu, where we've chatted with the most interesting folks who seem to be very well traveled.  Lunch will be at the Opus Dining Room where today we chatted we a fellow, Peter, from Alberta, who had just completed the James Path walk from France to Spain.  It was truly fascinating to listen to him describe this amazing 337 mile trek.  We also had some additional excitement on the ship, which we totally missed due to our gladiators lecture.  Apparently, a hot water heater erupted on deck three, flooding the grand foyer.  The crew and guests quickly began moving the lovely art work that had been set up for the auction.  For the remainder of the day, the crew worked on getting the area dry.  Our captain has the greatest sense of humor.  When questioned about what he does when the ship begins to flood, he responded by saying that he tastes the water.  If it is potable, all is good; however, if it is salty, there might be a reason to worry!  I spent the afternoon enjoying the glorious sunshine on deck 15, listening to the band, various singers, and a class on line dancing.  I smiled when the band played "Red, Red Wine" as it is my favorite cruise song. It was a "chic dress" night which meant a fantastic menu of chateaubriand. We laughed a lot during the "Dancing with the Stars" as various crew members and guests competed.  Afterwards. we did a bit of dancing ourselves up on deck 15 - the Sky Lounge.

October 29, 2017

Sea Days are simply the best!  Our routine is established and it is beyond relaxing.  Luckily, our weather has been gorgeous and the seas very calm.  I finished an embroidery panel that I'm working on for a Thanksgiving quilt, so today I've started the final panel.  Rob's on his fourth book.  Enjoyed our meals, drinks, dancing, and sea day life.

October 30, 2017

Today, an adorable little sea bird performed for quite some time as I relaxed on our balcony.  Watching this bird soar into the sky, then dive back into the water for food was simply captivating.  I took far too many pictures, but finally narrowed them down to just a few.

Our ship is all decorated for Halloween!  It's absolutely incredible to see all the carved pumpkins and cute decorations throughout the ship.

October 31, 2017

Happy 42nd Anniversary to us!  We have celebrated our anniversaries all over the world, but never in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on a gorgeous cruise ship.  I must admit that this anniversary will always remain a special one.

We treated ourselves to gelato in the afternoon, which was fabulous, especially since the gal made the waffle cones fresh as we ordered.  The Stewarts treated us to an awesome dinner in the Murano.  Thank you, Teri and Alan!  Seeing so many of the passengers dressed in costumes was a delightful treat, which was topped off by a "Monster Bash" dance in the grand foyer.  Yep, it was definitely a day to remember!

November 1, 2017

Are you kidding me????  November????  Already??  And true to November's usual weather pattern, it is our first "liquid sunshine" day thus far on our trip.  So, it's a great day to catch up on the blog, read, do needlework, and relax!T

November 2, 2017

The last full day of any cruise is always bittersweet, but this cruise seems particularly so.  We've loved every moment of our trans-Atlantic crossing.  I did manage to finally enjoy a hot dog (for lunch) and the remainder of the day was spent doing all the activities we love on a cruise, EXCEPT for packing to go home.  Lots of farewells, and a very special Happy Hour spent with our new cruise friends,
Rico, Sumita, Jorgen, Angelina, Susan, and of course, the Stewarts and us.

November 3, 2017
  Easy disembarkation, easy trip to the airport, easy flight...UNTIL, I heard this horrible screech in my left ear, then a very painful "pop" and total deafness.  I can't begin to describe my agony.  I begged the flight attendant for two Styrofoam cups, hot water, and paper towels, BUT, she couldn't help me because a former passenger had sued Delta when trying to stabilize their ear pressure.  So, I dug through my purse, found one Muscinex, which I immediately took, followed by three Advils.  I knew that the descent of the flight would be torture, so I immediately began chewing entire pack.  Luckily, the pain was tolerable.  Once home, I waited for my hearing to return, which eventually happened in my right ear.  The next morning, my pillow had quite a bit of blood, so I surmised that my ear drum had ruptured.  Unfortunately, it was the weekend, and no ENTs were available.  So, I muddled through until Monday, when Dr. Beaty arranged for Dr. Kim (ENT) to see me.  Sadly, she confirmed my self-diagnosis, and treatment began.  Steroids, antibiotic ear drops, nasal spray, sinus rinse, and oral antibiotics were my daily ritual.  I returned several times to Dr. Kim for what I affectionately called ENTC (ear and nose torture chamber) for about six weeks.  NOT the way to end a perfect vacation.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

North to Alaska - July 31 - August 14, 2017

July 30, 2017

Thank you, Robert and Ari, for the ride to the airport.  New thing we learned today - domestic first class ticket holders, MAY NOT use the Delta Sky Club!  Bummer!  No problem though, we read (actually Rob napped) until our flight departed at 01:52 AM for Seattle.  Nestled comfortably in seas 9 B & C, we settled in for our 5 hour 22 minutes flight.  Best part of the flight - soaring past Mt. Rainer, which truly looked like you could reach out and touch it!

After our arrival, we tried our new Lyft app - score - great ride to the Paramount Hotel for a mere $16.00, versus the $50.00 rate quoted to us at the airport.  We quickly dropped off our luggage in our room and met the Stewarts.  After a short visit, we headed off to the Space Needle and Chihuly exhibit, only to discover a two hour wait.  Forget that!  So, we took an Uber ride back over to the waterfront to enjoy drinks at the harbor, as well as a delicious dinner at Elliott's Oyster House.

Our waitress, Natalie, was absolutely adorable and made our outdoor dining a special treat!  We walked (Rob insisted that it was a marathon) back to the hotel for an early turn-in prepping in anticipation for tomorrow.

July 31, 2017

Good morning, Seattle!  And, what a glorious, gorgeous day it is, so we strolled to our nearest Starbucks for a delicious breakfast.  Afterwards, we took The Toddler back to our lovely Paramount Hotel for his rest time while Teri, Alan, and I walked down to the Public Market.

  Naturally, we had to watch the “flying fish” at Pike’s, as well as stroll through the awesome market.  The flowers, fresh produce, and local sights were quite captivating.  On our walk back to the hotel, we made a detour into the Macy’s. We took an Uber ride to the port, where we quickly processed through the Holland America terminal.  Once on board, we settled into Cabin 3404, our home away from home for the next couple of weeks.

We discovered The Crow’s Nest for our Happy Hour which has the most incredible view, especially around 7:00 PM! Our dining room servers, Andri and Anggia, are a fabulous team, and we look forward to many happy meals at Table 80.

August 1, 2017

Ah, love those days at sea.  We slept in, and then enjoyed a leisurely breakfast in the dining room.  As always, we found our favorite “spot” next to the coffee in the Explorers’ Lounge.  The guys read while Teri and I worked on needlework.  For this cruise, I’m completing the upcoming Retreat Challenge Blocks for Joan’s quilt.  Once the embroidery and applique are finished for those blocks, I’ll continue my embroidery for a Thanksgiving quilt.

After lunch, Rob look his obligatory nap while Teri, Alan, and I worked out.  Next, Alan went upstairs for his nap, Teri and I explored the ship’s shops.

We’re VERY happy with The Crow’s Nest, followed by tonight’s amazing Gala dinner.  Alan treated us to a luxurious bottle of Caymus for dinner!  YUM!  Tonight’s show, featuring the ship’s singers and dancers, was the perfect way to end this relaxing day.

Our very talented and sweet cabin gal, Christina, created adorable creatures to greet us every evening when we returned to our cabin.

August 2, 2017

Hello, Ketchikan!  We met on the pier for our Misty Fjords & Wilderness Explorer, and sailed off for this lovely four hour tour. In 1978,over 2 million acres within the Tongass National Forest was designated as the Misty Fjords National Monument. The Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian Alaska Native societies live here. We saw a black-tailed deer, harbor seals, eagle, and a variety of birds as we traveled within the Revillagigedo Channel, Behm Canal, and various bays.  Our naturalist gave us an abundance of fascinating facts including the tidal variances of up to 26 feet!  Located near the entrance of Rudyerd Bay, we saw the distinctive shape of New Eddystone Rock, a volcano plug. Another intriguing feature was the tiny white gull birds living on the steep fjords.  Their nests hang precariously on the edge containing elliptical shaped eggs that are flat on the bottom to ensure that they stay put.  Talk about adaptation! 

After our excursion, we returned to the ship for lunch, drop off Rob for his nap, and then headed into town to explore.  We saw a majestic bald eagle along creek street.  Unfortunately, the salmon are still buried deep in the streams because the weather has been too warm.  Bummer!  Alan stopped for a local beer while Teri and I explored the quilt shop. Back on board, I enjoyed doing my needlework on the open deck as we sailed away.  We enjoyed a relaxing happy hour in The Crow’s Nest, followed by a delicious dinner.  Tonight’s entertainment was a very talented pianist, Paul Pappas.

August 3, 2017

Well, the time change must have finally caught up with us, as we both were wide awake at 0645 hours!  So, we decided to enjoy another relaxing breakfast for two in the dining room. Today is a “scenic cruise” day which was supposed to feature Tracy Arm; however, the captain opted to divert us to Endicott Arm because Tracy Arm has receded a bit, putting too much ice in our path.  He felt that the Endicott Arm glacier would be better, and we certainly didn’t mind since we had already seen Tracy Arm.  The bow of the ship was opened for passengers, and the scenery was positively breathtaking.  We did see a humpback whale, but Rob insisted that it “didn’t count” because the whale didn’t breach the water!  Oh well, perhaps tomorrow.  We did see harbor seals and an eagle on the little icebergs.  The beautiful blue glacier was so majestic.  Even as we enjoyed lunch, we could view the glacier as the captain turned the ship 360 degrees around for everyone’s viewing pleasure! 

Later, Rob took his nap, while I did needlework with Teri (Alan read) in the Explorers’ Lounge.  I worked out in the gym, and then took a 25 minute “Fab Abs” class which I could certainly use!

August 4, 2017
Good morning, Juneau, as we welcome another beautiful, sunny day. This area was surveyed by Captain George Vancouver, a protégé of Captain James Cook, in 1791.  Our modern day leader, a hysterical bus driver, Don Jon, drives us to the port, as we board the St. Gregory for our whale quest.  Our naturalist, Keegan, is a marine biology major, specializing in whales, so we are treated to endless facts about whales, such as the baby whale gains seven pounds per hour in his/her first few days of life.  The humpback whales feed in Alaska, then migrate to Hawaii for mating.  Quite the life they enjoy.  The first half of our three hour trip along the Saginaw Channel in Auke Bay is filled with gorgeous scenery as we pass Admiralty Island where over 1500 bears reside.  Unfortunately, Rob did not get to see even ONE of these bears. We did spend some time enjoying the relaxing Harbor Seals and frolicking Sea Lions. 

Right when we thought we would not see any whales, we sailed into an area with FOUR humpbacks feeding.  Humpback whales eat approximately one ton of krill and small fish per day! The captain turned off the motor so we could just enjoy our time with the amazing creatures.  As the sun glistened on the calm water, these large mammals alternated between blowing and showing (their tails) while the passengers snapped picture after picture.  Nature’s choreography was spectacular!
Don Jon, a University of Utah Valley student, entertained us with corny jokes and cute stories as we drove over to Mendenhall Glacier.  As we hiked to the photo area, it was obvious that the glacier had receded since our last visit in 2010.  Nevertheless, it was still gorgeous!  We stopped by the Visitor’s Center and enjoyed an informative video before boarding the bus to return to the Amsterdam.

Rob was starting to develop a cold or some sort of breathing difficulty due to the paint fumes in our cabin, so I took a short walk back into town to pick up a few cold supplies.  The sunshine was so warm that I did not need my light jacket! After a quick clean up, I attended Shabbat Services.  Holland America does a lovely job of providing a very comfortable room, wine, candles, prayer books, challah, and an oneg cake.  Our service was brief, mainly because it was conducted by fellow passengers, but quite meaningful.  After another delicious dinner, we returned to our room.

August 5, 2017

Wow!  Sunshine and warm weather, again!  One of the locals commented that today was only Icy Strait Point’s 15th day of sunshine thus far during 2017. We walked the 1.5 miles into town along a very scenic coastal path.  Once in town, I zipped off the lower part of my hiking pants because it was extremely warm!  We walked over to the “eagle’s nest tree” to see if there was any activity.  We could tell that something was in the nest, but no real details.  Just as we were about to leave, Alan turned back to observe that the majestic bald eagle was returning.  Wow!  Eventually, the mate also emerged from the nest, and we could see another young eagle.  About that time, the lady who lives next to the tree came over with her binoculars and some details.  She said that there were two babies in the nest who would probably fly away in September.  Eagles mate for life, and the female typically gathers the food for the young while the male remains on the nest.  Their “clutch” usually varies from 1 – 3.  I could have stayed there all day watching these amazing creatures, but our ship was sailing at 1300 hours, so we had to move on. 

Next, we visited the Huna Tribal House Project where we watched the artist work on a totem poll.  This very talented artist carved the backs on the majority of the benches in this town.  He was a very proud native of this tiny town of about 800 residents, only of which 500 were year round residents.  He was captivating, and again, I could have stayed entertained by him for hours, but we needed to return to the ship.  We were supposed to sail at 1400 hours but we were delayed due to a passenger being medically disembarked.  Whew, that brought back horrible memories of dad’s episode on our 2010 Alaskan cruise. My heart hurt for the passenger, as well as his/her family. We left about 30 minutes late, headed for our next day at sea.
August 6, 2017
Days at sea are so rejuvenating!  After our wonderful breakfast in the dining room, we retreated to the Explorers’ Lounge to read (Rob) and do some needlework (me) while sipping coffee.  I attended a Wellness Class which was informative, almost a one-on-one class, as only three other folks attended! We lunched, relaxed, and then I even tried to nap, but no luck.  So, I put on my gym clothes to workout, as well as attend another killer “fab abs” class.  It was our second gala night, and everyone looked quite lovely.  The “Roadhouse” entertainment was a wonderful combination of country tunes. Sunset tonight was 10:10 PM!  Sunrise tomorrow – 6:10 AM!

August 7, 2017

Hello, Anchorage, along with another day of sunshine. The tides fluctuate up to 30 feet here, so the gangway will adjust three times during our 12 hour stay.  We were shuttled into town by a comfortable couch bus.  Teri and I immediately headed off to the quilt store while the fellows enjoyed coffee.  I found the perfect panel for a baby gift!  We then headed over to Humpy’s for a truly awesome lunch.  I enjoyed the Halibut fish and chips (my only cheat meal on this trip) and Rob had a crab sandwich that looked like it could feed four! 
Upon returning to the ship, the gangplank had indeed moved from deck one to deck three!  Rob napped, I walked the promenade, and then eventually went to the Explorer’s Lounge to relax.  In the background, I could hear a violinist playing beautiful classical music, as well as Hallelujah, one of my favorites.  Tonight’s entertainment was the Indonesian Production put on by the crew.  We were SO proud of Andri, how happened to be the conductor!

August 8, 2017

Along with our sunshine, we had hundreds of sea birds squawking a greeting as we arrived in Homer this morning.  Our “hop-on-hop-off” school bus shuttle took us six miles into town.  Our first stop was the True Value Hardware store that actually was a down-sized Walmart type store.  I purchased more Delsym Cough Syrup for Rob, then checked out the fabric selection, still on my quest to find applique thread, but alas, no luck.  Guess folks don’t applique here in Alaska.  Oh well, we strolled the streets looking in several local shops. 

I found four incredible pictures taken/signed by a local photographer which will make a great collage!  We took our shuttle back to the Homer Spit to enjoy lunch at a local restaurant, Captain Paddies’, recommended by our bus driver. My halibut tacos were divine! Back on board, we enjoyed coffee with the Stewarts in the Explorers Lounge before returning to our cabin for a little nap.

August 9, 2017
Well, today, we finally had the “typical” Alaskan weather, a slight drizzle.  But, that didn’t stop Teri, Alan, and I from venturing into Kodiak to explore!  First stop, Flying Geese Quilt store, and unfortunately, no applique thread.  Really?????  On to another store, where I happened to find a couple of t-shirts.  In the community building, local folks were selling crafts, and I managed to find a few more treasures.  Hey, I always have to support the local economy!  While walking back to the ship, Alan noticed a local cannery on “Cannery Row” so we stopped to take a peak.  The workers were very sweet, and gave us lots of information about their company, Pacific Seafood.  One employee kept fussing at us for taking pictures, but the main guy said to ignore her!  So, we enjoyed our own little excursion!

Rob finally gave in and agreed that he was sick enough to see the ship’s doctor, so when the medical facility opened at 1630 hours, we were first in line.  The adorable doctor from South Africa immediately gave Rob a breathing treatment, prednisone, and an antibiotic.  He opted to stay in our cabin for the evening, and room service was ordered.  After dinner, Teri, Alan, and I attended the John Denver/Jim Curry show, which was fantastic.

August 10, 2017
Today, Rob began to feel better again.  We all enjoyed a quiet morning in the Explorers’ Lounge, and then off to the gym before lunch.  Around 1400 hours, Rob and I settled in the Crow’s Nest for the beginning of our journey to Hubbard Glacier. By around 1530, everyone was out on dock as we approached this seven mile long, four mile wide glacier.  It is North America’s largest tidal glacier! We stood in awe as the glacier calved over and over again.  The best description is that it sounded as if the glacier was thundering inside, then a huge avalanche of ice would cascade into the bay.  We were totally mesmerized!  The grand finale was a beautiful rainbow as we departed the area!

August 11, 2017

Good morning, Sitka!  This morning’s excursion took us to the Sitka Sound aboard another Allen Marine vessel for our Sea Otter & Wildlife Quest.  Immediately we spotted some Steller Sea Lions.  The difference between sea lions and seals are their larger size, ear flaps, and rotating rear flippers.  These cute critters were enjoying salmon as we sailed by.  We continued into a cove where we saw red and purple star fish and sea urchins through the crystal-clear water, as well as a majestic bald eagle perched high in a Sitka cider. Then, as we rounded a corner, we came upon a rather large raft of sea otters.  These cute, cute marine mammals have no extra fat layers for warmth, but rely only upon their rich fur for protection against the cold water.  This fur is the densest fur in the world with over 300,00 hairs per square inch. We truly enjoyed watching them frolic until another on-coming vessel had to blow its horn, frightening them away!

Jokingly, Rob said that there were two bears on the shoreline, and within a few minutes, a passenger did spot a bear!  The captain navigated the boat as close as possible, and actually, there were TWO young bears playing. Finally, Rob got to see his bears.  The two bears walked, and ran along the shore while we happily watched.  Sadly, we had to return to the pier, but along the way we spotted two humpback whales!  We learned that it takes 30 days for these whales to travel from Alaska to Maui. We also came upon these adorable sea lions!  What an amazing excursion.

Once back on land, Rob headed to the ship, while Alan, Teri, and I ventured into town.  Sitka is a charming little city built around a Russian Orthodox church. We spotted Re-fresh Restaurant where we enjoyed fabulous seafood for lunch.  Now, we were ready to shop! But first, a quick stop at the ATM.  We then found the quilt shop where I purchased a cute t-shirt and applique thread.  We browsed around a few other shops, then started back to the ship, when we spotted a section that we had not explored.  Luckily, we found a great art shop featuring a local artist and purchased a couple of his prints.  Next store, we made a couple of purchases at the Alaskan Salt Shop, then strolled back to the ship.

Tonight’s entertainer, Amy Lee, was a very talented violinist who provided a fabulous show.

August 12, 2017

Another relaxing day at sea, but, unfortunately, we woke to the horrible smell of paint AGAIN!  After breakfast, I met with the Hotel Manager to discuss this only “bad” feature of our cruise.  While she was a very lovely lady, she could only provide me with a Holland America Customer Service contact number once we return home. I will definitely contact them! Today, we spent time relaxing in the Explorers’ Lounge, and now, updating our blog, as well as downloading yesterday’s pictures!

August 13, 2017
Victoria, British Columbia and a gorgeous, sunny day = perfection combination for our last day on the cruise. The winds were quite gusty, but the warmth of the sunshine was really the only thing to notice, so Alan, Teri, and I hopped a bus to downtown.  Lovely downtown Victoria, it was just as charming as I remembered.  We were even lucky enough to have the same art/crafts show!  Teri and I found some treasures to purchase, and then we all went to Starbucks to download our email.
Rob had remained on board, as he still feels lousy, and his coughing is dreadful. Luckily, he felt good enough to attend dinner and the final show.

August 14, 2017
All the crew waved farewell as we left the Amsterdam.  We took Uber to the airport where we said farewell to the Stewarts as we went to the Delta Sky Club to spend the next few hours before our flight home. I made several phone calls, the most important one to Rob's pulmonary doctor, Dr. Lock.  He'll see him first thing tomorrow morning!  The flight home was uneventful and Robert and Ari picked us up.  Home sweet home!