Sunday, July 19, 2015

Campgulf, Destin, FL back to home - July 18, 2015

It's ALWAYS sad to leave a great vacation!  Well, as luck would have it, we had PLENTY of time to reflect on all of our fabulous memories as we crept along in the horrendous traffic back home.  What should have been a seven hour trip turned into a nine hour trip.  Thankfully, David and Lily are awesome travelers, and they entertained themselves on our journey back home.
Once Zaydie got the camper settled on the pad, we enjoyed our pool!  It felt so great to get out of the truck and frolic!

Today, the blog was updated because like most campgrounds, the Internet was awful!  It was actually quite rewarding to relive our trip.  One of our many favorite memories:

Campgulf, Destin, FL July 17, 2015

Our last full day at the, off we went to the beach right after breakfast.  Luckily, Friday is the "hippo slide day" which David and Lily REALLY enjoyed.  Over and over and over again, they went down the slide.

  Next, we went to the beach, where the waves and water were perfect!  We played and played, and THEN Sophia (their new campground friend) walked by.  David, Lily, and Sophia were beyond happy to see each other.  They built a HUGE sand castle, and then played in the ocean.

David and Lily had lunch on the beach before we headed back to the camper to escape the hottest part of the day.  We had snacks, took naps, worked on sticker books, and finally, it was time to head over to the pool for a final race on the bouncy house.

Back at the camper, we had a final meal and of course, s'mores.  After showers, we started picking up toys and getting ready for tomorrow's (sob, sob) departure.

Campgulf, Destin, FL July 16, 2015

Love these gorgeous, sunny days!  We made another laundry room run because we needed more clean towels!  So, while the towels were washing/drying, we played at our favorite pool.  David and Lily made a new friend, Sophia, and had such a fabulous morning swimming and playing.

After lunch, Bubbie got a break!  Zaydie watched the kids while she went to the Silver Sands Outlet Mall for a couple of hours.  Pure luxury...complete with Starbucks!  But, it gets even better, Zaydie took us to Carabba's for dinner.   David and Lily were angels, and we really had a terrific evening out.  After we returned to the camper, we had our traditional camping dessert - s'mores!

Campgulf, Destin, FL July 15, 2015

Another sunny, glorious day on the Emerald Coast!  We began the day with a visit to campground's laundry room.  We threw in a couple of loads and then headed off to the pool for a bit.  We took a break from swimming to put the clothes in the dryer, and then returned to the pool. By noon, it was time to collect our clean clothes and return to the camper for lunch.  We had already decided to go see the 1:45 showing of "Inside Out" so we drove about five miles to the movie theater.  It was a GREAT movie!

Afterwards, we went to the CVS for ice, more water and a "shark" boogey board for David.  Once we were back in the camper, we quickly changed, packed dinner for the beach, and headed out for our late afternoon dip.  This is Bubbie's favorite time of the day, because the beach is less crowded and much cooler:

David, Lily, and Zaydie had a great time jumping the waves which were even larger today.  After a nice romp on the beach, we all headed back to the pool where we swam until it was dark!  Love these lazy, relaxing beach days!

Campgulf - Destin, FL July 14, 2015

We really slept in!  We had planned to go to the beach this morning, while the temps were cooler, but by the time we ate breakfast and put on swimsuits, it was already HOT, so we headed to our favorite pool.  We swam for a couple of hours, then changed to go see the new "Minions" movie.   We LOVED it!  Afterwards, we enjoyed a terrific lunch at Johnny Rockets, and Zaydie got his favorite Starbucks before we came back to the campground.  Quickly, we changed into suits and headed off to the beach.  David made a new friend who taught him how to boogie board.  It was an absolutely perfect afternoon, so we played for two hours.

Next, we stopped by the camper to drop off all of our beach gear, then we went back to our favorite pool!  We took showers at the bath house, then changed into PJs for snacks.  Like David said, "This was the BEST day ever!"

Campgulf - Destin Florida - July 13, 2015

We're on the road again!  This time, our destination is the beach!  Bubbie, Zaydie, David and Lily left around 0700 hours for Destin, FL.  The only real challenge of the trip was the Atlanta morning traffic!  Once we left the Atlanta metro area, the rest of the trip was E-A-S-Y!  We arrived at the Campgulf Campground around 1300 hours.  While Zaydie set up the camper, Bubbie, Lily, and David went to the Activity Center because they had a special visitor......Bubba, the 7-ft alligator!  David and Lily enjoyed sitting on his back:

After lunch, David and Bubbie went to check out the pool.  The one closest to our campsite had an awesome "bouncy house" which David loved!  After a while, we went back to the camper to see if Lily had finished her nap.  Actually, we woke her up to see if she'd like to go check out the other pool.  That pool, closer to the ocean, had a neat slide.  So, we spent most of the afternoon at the two pools.

After dinner, we went on a long walk at the beach which was perfect!  The sunset was amazing.  We stayed out until it was very dark, which was such fun.  Everyone was really tired, so after showers, we all crashed.